The Analysis and Reflection on Issues in Forestry Carbon Sinks Trading Under the Carbon Trading Mechanism
当前我国碳交易机制尚不完善,林业碳汇项目的多样性不足,且林业碳汇交易中存在碳基线、额外性、碳泄漏等方面的问题.通过系统梳理林业碳汇进入国内外碳交易机制路径和现状,创新林业碳汇项目,创新性地提出非CDM森林经营碳汇项目,阐释"双碳"目标下非CDM森林经营碳汇进入碳交易机制的重要意义.此外,以非CDM森林经营碳汇项目为例,从碳基线、额外性、碳泄漏等3 个方面阐明林业碳汇进入碳交易机制面临的主要问题及其产生原因,并提出解决相应问题的对策建议.
⑴ Background——Forest carbon sinks is essential to mitigate global climate change,protect biodiversity and promote sustainable development.Mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism(CDM),Verified Carbon Standard(VCS),Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries,plus the sus-tainable management of forests and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks,and Chinese Certified Emission Reduction(CCER)have established markets that monetize the carbon sinks potential of forests.These mech-anisms incentivize forest conservation and sustainable management and reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.How-ever,opportunities for carbon sinks,particularly in non-CDM forest management,remain underexplored. ⑵ Methods——This paper firstly analyzed the ways and current situation of forestry carbon sinks entering into domestic and international carbon trading mechanisms.Three key aspects were then critically examined:ac-curate baseline identification,scientific measurement of additionality,and systematic carbon leakage accounting.These dimensions were analyzed through the comparison of different carbon trading mechanisms,highlighting the methodological variances and their impact on market credibility and effectiveness. ⑶ Results——This paper identifies significant challenges to incorporating non-CDM forest carbon sinks in-to current carbon trading schemes.The baseline setting of China's CCER mechanism is too simple,which may lead to inaccurate emission reduction estimates.The baseline is a critical reference point,so a flaw here could undermine the credibility of the mechanism.The Improved Forest Management(IFM)approach uses dynamic baselines from national inventories,but questions remain about its scientific robustness,indicating the need for more context-specific criteria.In addition,this paper reveals the inconsistency of emission reduction measure-ments between different mechanisms.The IFM approach relies on the biomass-based methods,while the CCER mechanism employs four different methods,leading to considerable differences in results.The diversity of approa-ches complicates the comparisons of projects and reduces the reliability of emission reduction claims.Finally,the failure of the CCER mechanism to account for leakage is particularly concerning,as it may lead to an overestima-tion of net carbon sinks,distorting the actual impact of projects on global carbon emissions. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——China's carbon trading mechanism is underdeveloped and inadequate to meet the growing demand for carbon credits.Incorporating non-CDM forest management carbon sinks into these mechanisms could significantly improve the valuation and monetization of these activities.However,improvements in baseline selection,additionality assessment,and leakage accounting are necessary.A more sophisticated and scientifically rigorous carbon trading system is essential to accurately assess forest carbon sinks and achieve long-term environmental goals.Therefore,the following methodological suggestions for forestry carbon sinks projects are proposed:First,improve the screening methods of carbon baseline,and adopt the dynamic carbon baseline setting method in combination with the inventory data of forest resources in China.Second,improve the measurement methods of additionality,and formulate detailed evaluation criteria of additionality according to different types of forestry carbon sinks projects.Third,unify the accounting methods for carbon storage.Based on the existing CCER methodology,a unified carbon storage accounting standard is established to reduce the differences between different accounting methods.Fourth,carry out a comprehensive carbon leakage risk assessment for forestry carbon sinks projects,and set a reasonable carbon leakage value according to the actual situation of different projects.
南京林业大学 经济管理学院,南京 210037||南京林业大学 数字林业与绿色发展研究院,南京 210037南京林业大学 经济管理学院,南京 210037浙江农林大学 经济管理学院,杭州 311300
Chinese Certified Emission Reductionforestry carbon sinksnon-CDM forest management carbon sinkscarbon baselineadditionalitycarbon leakage
《林业经济问题》 2024 (004)
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