

Study on mathematical relationship of classical diffusion models of coal containing methane


含瓦斯煤扩散模型形式多样,而模型之间的数学关系有待明确.研究了 20 种经典的含瓦斯煤扩散模型,根据模型特点将其分为常规扩散模型、动态扩散模型和经验扩散模型 3 类,通过等价、近似数学转换发现同类扩散模型存在数学关系.为了探究 3 类扩散模型之间的关系,以常规扩散模型为基础,基于煤体分形孔隙结构特性建立了动态扩散系数模型,通过观察扩散系数与时间的关系进而推导出了动态扩散系数模型,建立了动态扩散模型与常规扩散模型的数学关系;以煤基质立方体几何模型为假设条件,结合Fick定律与动态扩散模型,推导出了经验扩散模型,建立了经验扩散模型与动态扩散模型的关系.

The diffusion models of coal containing methane have various forms,but the mathematical relationship between the mod-els remains to be clarified.Twenty classical diffusion models of coal containing methane are studied,which are divided into conven-tional diffusion model,dynamic diffusion model and empirical diffusion model according to their characteristics.Through equival-ent and approximate mathematical transformation,it is found that there is a mathematical relationship between similar diffusion mod-els.In order to explore the relationship between the three types of diffusion models,a dynamic diffusion coefficient model was estab-lished based on the conventional diffusion model and the fractal pore structure characteristics of coal.The dynamic diffusion coeffi-cient model was derived by observing the relationship between the diffusion coefficient and time,and the mathematical relationship between the dynamic diffusion model and the conventional diffusion model was established.Based on the cubic geometry model of coal matrix,Fick's law and dynamic diffusion model,the empirical diffusion model is derived,and the relationship between the em-pirical diffusion model and dynamic diffusion model is established.


常州大学 安全科学与工程学院,江苏 常州 213164||安徽理工大学 煤矿安全高效开采省部共建教育部重点实验室,安徽淮南 232001常州大学 安全科学与工程学院,江苏 常州 213164常州大学 石油化工学院,江苏 常州 213164||常州大学 江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室,江苏 常州 213164



coal containing methanegas diffusiondiffusion modelcommon modelmathematical relationship

《煤矿安全》 2024 (10)



