Research on the Electrical Performance and Ablation Process of Field Distortion Gas Spark Switches
伴随着气体火花开关的广泛应用,选择工作稳定且使用寿命长的气体火花开关已经成为了脉冲功率系统稳定运行的重要保障.目前,国内外相关学者对于气体开关展开了大量研究,但多数都是基于从放电条件研究对气体火花开关烧蚀的影响.因此从实际工程需求出发,全面研究了不同工作环境对气体火花开关的自击穿电压的分布、时延抖动、分散性的变化情况以及电极烧蚀现象与机制、宏/微观粗糙度变化规律.结果表明:相同气压条件下开关击穿电压的分散性随电极间隙的增大无明显规律变化.随着工作系数提高至90%,开关放电时延平均值基本不变,但呈现出数纳秒的波动,当间隙距离为10 mm、工作系数在60%以下时抖动的起始值及其减小的速率远高于其他间隙.随着电极间距的增大,对电极表面的烧蚀的影响较小,低气压长间隙的烧蚀程度相较于高气压短间隙的烧蚀更为明显.
With the widespread application of gas spark switches,choosing gas spark switches with stable operation and long service life has become an important guarantee for the stable operation of pulse power systems.At present,domestic and foreign scholars have conducted a large amount of research on gas switches,but most of them are based on the impact of discharge conditions on the ablation of gas spark switches.Therefore,starting from practical engineering needs,this paper comprehensively studies the distribu-tion of self breakdown voltage,time delay jitter,and dispersion of gas spark switches under different working environments,as well as the phenomenon and mechanism of electrode ablation,as well as the change laws in macro/micro roughness.The results show that under the same gas pressure conditions,the dispersion of the breakdown voltage of the switch does not change significantly with the increase of electrode gap.As the working coefficient increases to 90%,the average value of the switch discharge delay remains basi-cally unchanged,but shows fluctuations of several nanoseconds.When the gap distance is 10 mm and the working coefficient is below 60%,the initial value of jitter and its reduction rate are much higher than other gaps.As the electrode spacing increases,the impact on the ablation of the electrode surface is relatively small,and the ablation degree of long gaps at low gas pressure is more significant than that of short gaps at high gas pressure.
西安工程大学电子信息学院,西安 710600西安工程大学电子信息学院,西安 710600国网陕西省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,西安 710100西安工商学院信息与工程学院,西安 710200西安工程大学电子信息学院,西安 710600西安工程大学电子信息学院,西安 710600西安工程大学电子信息学院,西安 710600
gas spark switchdelay jitterelectrode ablationmacro/micro roughness
《南方电网技术》 2024 (9)
国家自然科学基金资助项目(52007138).Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(52007138).