

Multi-Objective Hierarchical Active Optimization Method for Active Distribution Networks Considering Bidirectional Coordination of Transmission and Distribution Networks


配电网中分布式电源渗透率不断提高,使得输电网与配电网之间的互济需求日益增强.针对输配协同框架内有源配电网(active distribution network,ADN)运行优化不能充分调度配置资源以满足区域自治需求的问题,提出了计及输配电网双向协同的有源配电网多目标分层主动优化模型.该模型以输配电网整体运行的经济性和安全性为目标,以联络线功率为耦合变量,通过机组组合调整输电网火电机组出力,并以配电网重构(distribution network reconfigura-tion,DNR)为主要策略配置拓扑结构,决策出支撑系统最优运行方式的调度策略.基于目标级联分析法(analytical target cascading,ATC)对输配双向协同的有源配电网多目标主、子问题进行解耦并分层求解.最后,以T6D2及T118D5测试系统为例验证了所提方法的有效性.结果表明,所构建模型能有效应对输配间的"双向流"现象,进一步提升系统全局的可再生能源消纳率,使输配电网整体获得最大经济效益.

With the increasing penetration of distributed power in distribution network,the mutual demand between transmission network and distribution network is increasing.Considering the issue of insufficient scheduling and allocation of resources to meet the regional autonomy needs in the optimization of active distribution network(ADN)within the framework of transmission and distribution networks collaboration,a multi-objective hierarchical active optimization model of ADN considering bidirectional cooperation of transmission and distribution networks is proposed.The model aims to improve the economy and safety of the overall operation of the transmission and distribution networks,with the power of the tie line as the coupling variables.The output of the thermal power units in the transmission network is adjusted through unit commitment,and the topology structure is configured with distribution network reconfiguration(DNR)as the main strategy to determine the scheduling strategy that supports the optimal opera-tion mode of the system.Based on analytical target cascading(ATC)method,the multi-objective main and sub problems of the ac-tive distribution network with bidirectional cooperation of transmission and distribution networks are decoupled and solved hierarchi-cally.Finally,the T6D2 and T118D5 test systems are taken as examples to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.The results show that the model can deal with the phenomenon of"reciprocating flow"between transmission and distribution networks well,and improve the renewable energy consumption rate of the system,so that the transmission and distribution networks can obtain the maximum economic benefit.


国网山东省电力公司电力科学研究院,济南 250002国网山东省电力公司电力科学研究院,济南 250002国网山东省电力公司电力科学研究院,济南 250002国网山东省电力公司,济南 250001国网山东省电力公司,济南 250001电网智能化调度与控制教育部重点实验室(山东大学),济南 250061



transmission and distribution networks collaborationanalysis target cascadingmulti-objective hierarchical active optimizationunit commitmentdistribution network reconfigurationactive distribution network

《南方电网技术》 2024 (9)


国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(52107111)国网山东省电力公司科技项目(520626220023).Supported by the Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(52107111)the Science and Technology Project of State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company(520626220023).

