

Study on flood threshold of high-efficient sediment transport from Huayuankou to Sunkou in lower Yellow River


河流能量耗散率变化反映了河道水沙输移能力以及河床形态的调整规律.本文研究区域为黄河下游花园口至孙口河段,从能量耗散角度出发,结合对实测资料的统计分析,探究了河流边界阻力能耗率与来水来沙、断面形态以及河床稳定性之间的定量关系,并基于边界阻力能耗率与河床稳定性双重指标,确定了花园口至孙口河段的高效输沙洪水阈值.研究结果表明:流量是影响边界阻力能耗率的主要因素,并与边界阻力能耗率的幂次呈线性相关;随着流量增大到 2000 m3/s 以上,边界阻力能耗率随含沙量增加呈先减弱后增强的趋势.大流量条件下边界阻力能耗率与宽深比呈负相关关系,花园口与夹河滩断面形态复杂,相关性较弱;相比之下高村与孙口断面形态简单,相关性增强.非恒定水沙条件下的河床大多处于失稳状态,在综合考虑河床形态稳定及边界阻力能耗率最低的前提下,计算得出花园口至孙口河段的洪水高效输沙临界流量约为1500 m3/s,含沙量约为23 kg/m3.

Changes in the energy dissipation rate of a river reflect its ability to transport water and sediment and its patterns in bed morphology adjustment.This study explores the quantitative relationships of boundary resistance energy dissipation rate(BREDR)versus incoming water and sediment,cross-sectional morphology,and riverbed stability,from a perspective of energy dissipation,combined with statistical analysis of data measured in the lower Yellow reach of Huayuankou to Sunkou.We determine an efficient flood sediment transport threshold for this reach,based on two indicators:BREDR,and riverbed stability.The results show that the flow rate is the main factor of BREDR,and it is linearly related to the power of BREDR.As the flow increases above 2000 m3/s,its BREDR shows a trend of weakening first and then strengthening with the increase in sediment concentration.Generally,a river's BREDR is negatively correlated with the width-to-depth ratio under high flow conditions.The correlation is low for the study reach of Huayuankou and Jiahetan where cross-sectional morphology is complex,while high at the cross sections of Gaocun and Sunkou with simple morphology.Under unsteady water and sediment conditions,the riverbed will mostly develop instability.Considering both bed morphological stability and the minimum of BREDR,our calculations reveal the flow rate threshold for efficient flood sediment transport in the study reach is roughly 1500 m3/s,with a sediment concentration of about 23 kg/m3.


天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室,天津 300350||天津大学 河流海岸工程泥沙研究所,天津 300350天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室,天津 300350||天津大学 河流海岸工程泥沙研究所,天津 300350鲁东大学 海岸研究所,山东 烟台 264025天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室,天津 300350||天津大学 河流海岸工程泥沙研究所,天津 300350天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室,天津 300350||天津大学 河流海岸工程泥沙研究所,天津 300350



lower Yellow Riverboundary resistance energy dissipationsection shaperiverbed stabilityhigh-efficient flood sediment transport

《水力发电学报》 2024 (10)



