Research and Application of Miniaturization Explosion-Proof Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer System
为满足石化化工企业对可燃性气体的快速检测需求,本文研制了一款可应用于防爆现场且能够准确测量可燃性气体浓度的小型化防爆型总烃在线分析仪.该分析仪基于氢火焰离子化法(FID),可实现总烃浓度的快速在线监测,并将监测结果实时传输至工厂仪控系统.仪器响应时间(T90)小于 3s、基线噪声 0.07pA、基线漂移0.37pA/30min、定量重复性 0.41%、测量误差 0.35%.该仪器具有响应速度快、误差小、重现性高、稳定性好等优点.产品已成功应用于石化化工企业,可适用于石化化工复杂工况下的总烃浓度在线监测.
To achieve combustible gas monitoring requirement,this article develops an explosion-proof online total hydrocarbon analyzer that can be applied in explosion-proof sites and accurately measure the concentration of combustible gases.The analyzer is based on the principle of hydrogen flame ionization(FID),and can achieve online monitoring of total hydrocarbon concentration,and transmit the monitoring results in real-time to the instrument control system of the chemical factory.The results showed that the instrument response time(T90)was less than 3s,baseline noise was 0.07pA,baseline drift was 0.37pA/30min,quantitative repeatability was 0.41%,and measurement error was 0.35%.The experimental results indicate that the instrument has advantages such as quick response,small error,high reproducibility,and good stability.This product has been successfully applied in chemical industrial parks and is fully suitable for online monitoring of total hydrocarbon concentration in complex working conditions of petrochemical enterprises.
杭州谱育科技发展有限公司,浙江省杭州市 310052杭州谱育科技发展有限公司,浙江省杭州市 310052杭州谱育科技发展有限公司,浙江省杭州市 310052杭州谱育科技发展有限公司,浙江省杭州市 310052杭州谱育科技发展有限公司,浙江省杭州市 310052杭州谱育科技发展有限公司,浙江省杭州市 310052杭州谱育科技发展有限公司,浙江省杭州市 310052杭州谱育科技发展有限公司,浙江省杭州市 310052
Miniaturization Explosion proof total hydrocarbon analyzerCombustible GasFID detectorOn-line monitoring
《现代科学仪器》 2024 (5)