

Design of Risk Early Warning System for Power Material Supply Chain Based on Data Mining


为解决电力物资供应链快速发展所带来的挑战,提出基于数据挖掘的电力物资供应链风险预警系统设计.通过分析电力物资供应链的结构与运作流程,识别与分类电力物资供应链风险,以此为基础,构建供应链风险预警指标体系,采用数据挖掘技术聚类处理风险预警指标数据,制定电力物资供应链风险预警程序,确定风险预警指标的权重系数与风险预警等级判定规则,获取最终供应链风险预警结果.实验数据显示:在不同实验工况背景下,应用设计系统获得的风险预警指标数据挖掘深度因子最大值为 0.98,供应链风险预警结果与实际结果一致,充分证实了设计系统具备较好的应用效果.

In order to solve the challenges brought by the rapid development of power material supply chain,the design of risk early warning system for power material supply chain based on data mining is proposed.By analyzing the structure and operation process of power material supply chain,the risk of power material supply chain is identified and classified.On this basis,the risk early warning index system of supply chain is constructed,the risk early warning index data is clustered by data mining technology,the risk early warning procedure of power material supply chain is formulated,the weight coefficient of risk early warning index and the decision rule of risk early warning level are determined,and the final risk early warning result of supply chain is obtained.The experimental data show that the maximum value of the data mining depth factor of risk early warning indicators obtained by the design system is 0.98 under different experimental working conditions,and the supply chain risk early warning results are consistent with the actual results,which fully proves that the design system has good application effect.





Supply chainData miningEarly WarningPower MaterialRisk factors

《现代科学仪器》 2024 (5)


