A Real-time Calculation Method of Voltage Sensitivity Based on White-box Dendritic Net
由于传统电压灵敏度计算需要以知晓精确网络参数为前提,近年来各类基于数据驱动的电压灵敏度拟合方法被相继提出.但现有方法针对新运行场景需要重复所有回归操作才能获得精确的灵敏度值,因此无法真正应用于灵敏度的实时计算.该文提出一种基于树突网络(dendrite net,DN)的电压灵敏度实时计算方法,基于DN拟合等价于泰勒展开的白箱性质,建立适用于任意运行场景的系统状态参数至节点电压的端到端映射.通过对基于DN的节点电压显性表达式进行提取和求导,最终形成只包含极少计算量的电压灵敏度显性表达式,将灵敏度计算速度提升至微秒级.其次,在基于DN的节点电压显性表达式中,各输入的一阶分量系数在任意运行场景下均保持恒定,可直接作为评判节点电压与状态参数相关性的评价指标.基于IEEE 118节点系统等3 个不同规模算例的仿真计算结果证明该文方法的正确性和优越性.
Since the traditional voltage sensitivity calculation requires the knowledge of network parameters,various data-driven voltage sensitivity fitting methods have been proposed recently.However,existing data-driven methods necessitate the repetition of all regression operations for new scenarios in order to achieve accurate values,thereby rendering them unsuitable for real-time calculations.This paper proposes a Dendritic network(DN)based voltage sensitivity calculation method,which establishes an end-to-end mapping of state parameters to node voltages for any scenario based on the white-box property that DN fitting is equivalent to Taylor expansion.By extracting and deriving the voltage explicit expressions from DN,the explicit expression of voltage sensitivity containing only an extremely small amount of computation is ultimately formed.In addition,in the explicit expression of DN based voltage sensitivity,the first-order component coefficient of each input keeps constant under any scenario,which can be directly used as an evaluation index to judge the correlation between node voltage and state parameters.The calculation results based on the three different scale systems verify the correctness and superiority of the methods proposed in this paper.
综合能源电力装备及系统安全湖北省重点实验室(武汉大学电气与自动化学院),湖北省 武汉市 430072综合能源电力装备及系统安全湖北省重点实验室(武汉大学电气与自动化学院),湖北省 武汉市 430072综合能源电力装备及系统安全湖北省重点实验室(武汉大学电气与自动化学院),湖北省 武汉市 430072
voltage sensitivitydendrite netpower flow calculationinput-output correlation index
《中国电机工程学报》 2024 (19)
国家电网公司科技项目(5100-202336015A-1-1-ZN). Science and Technology Project of State Grid Corporation of China(5100-202336015A-1-1-ZN).