Analysis and Thinking of the Current Rural Water Supply Management in Hebi City
The safety of rural drinking water is an important livelihood project,and the management of rural water supply is the key to ensure the long-term healthy operation of the project.Based on the investigation of the development process and management status of rural water supply in Hebi City,this paper summarizes the current management models and features of rural water supply,analyzes the major problems in the management of rural water supply.It is suggested that Hebi City positively innovate the project construction and management models,integrate the existing water supply infrastructurs,promote the establishment of county-level professional management platform by the government and investment companies,form a unified urban and rural planning,construction and management model,improve the water supply price formation and government subsidy mechanism,explore and promote the information system construction of rural water supply,and provide feasible proposals for promoting the high-quality development of rural water supply.
河南淇水水利水电工程有限公司,河南 鹤壁市 458000
Hebi Cityrural water supplydevelopment coursemanagement model
《河南水利与南水北调》 2024 (10)