Criminal Law Protection Mechanism of Water Resources in China
Based on the perspective of normative protection of water resources law,this paper adopts the re-search methods of literature analysis and system analysis to evaluate the research status quo of the protection of wa-ter resources criminal law in China,and then analyzes the current situation and predicament of the protection of wa-ter resources criminal law in China.The results show that the current criminal legislation makes it challenging to protect water resources comprehensively,and there is a lack of special criminal law provisions for water protection and restoration;the constitutive elements of the benefits of water resources protection law and the new crimes are not clear,which is not conducive to the sustainable utilization of water resources.Therefore,the crime of illegally drawing water is added,and the statutory sentencing circumstances of'lighter'or'mitigated'are added to the crimi-nal law provisions of direct protection of water resources.The benefit of water resources protection law is the anthro-pocentric legal benefit of ecology.In the construction of the provisions of'illegal water-taking crime',it is clear that the subjective aspect of crime includes negligence,the premise of the establishment of crime is'violation of state regulations'and the expression of'concurrently fine'is adopted in the application of additional punishment.
苏州大学王健法学院,江苏 苏州 215031
water resourcescriminal law legislationprotectionusecrime of taking-water illegally
《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (010)
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