Carbon Neutrality Assessment and Green Accounting of Ecological Product Value for Walnut Forests in Yangbi County
以漾濞核桃林为研究对象,基于《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(GB/T 38582-2020)对漾濞县核桃林全口径碳中和能力与生态产品价值进行测算评估.结果表明:漾濞核桃林生态产品价值为113.72 亿元/年,其中核桃古树与种质资源保护价值和林木产品供给价值占比较高,二者之和占生态产品总价值的63.30%.漾濞核桃林全口径碳捕获量为13.98 万吨/年,其中植被层固碳量为12.70 万吨/年,土壤层固碳量为 1.28 万吨/年;植被层固碳中的果实固碳量占总捕获量比例最高,为32.29%;全口径碳封存量为13.15 万吨/年,以就地封存为主,漾濞核桃林生态产品价值实现率为25.70%.测算经济林碳中和能力与生态产品价值,能为推动区域生态产品价值实现、践行碳中和战略提供参考依据.
Taking the walnut forest in Yangbi County as the research object,a scientific evaluation was con-ducted on the total carbon neutrality capacity and ecological product value of the walnut forest in Yangbi County based on the'Specifications for Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Service'(GB/T 38582-2020).The results show that the ecological product value of Yangbi walnut forest is 11.372 billion yuan/year.Among them,the protection value of ancient walnut trees and germplasm resources,as well as the supply value of forest products,account for a rela-tively high proportion,with the sum of the 2 accounting for 63.30%of the total ecological product value.The full carbon capture of the walnut forest in Yangbi County is 139800 tons/year,of which the carbon sequestration in the vegetation layer is 127000 tons/year,and the carbon sequestration in the soil layer is 12800 tons/year;in the veg-etation layer carbon sequestration,the proportion of fruit carbon sequestration to total capture is the highest,at 32.29%;the total carbon storage capacity is 131 500 tons/year,mainly for on-site storage.The value realization rate of walnut forest ecological products in Yangbi County is 25.70%.Mastering the carbon neutrality ability of eco-nomic forests and the value of ecological products provides a scientific basis for promoting the realization of regional ecological product value and implementing carbon neutrality strategies.
国家林业和草原局森林生态环境重点实验室,中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所,北京 100091||江西大岗山森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站,江西 新余 336606
Yangbi walnutecological productvaluetotal carbon sinkcarbon capturecarbon storage
《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (010)
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