Experimental Study on Bearing Capacity of Pile Foundation of Bridge Engineering Under Vertical Load
In order to analyze the bearing characteristics of bridge piles under vertical loads,this paper,based on a bridge project in Guizhou Province,studies the vertical force of bridge pile foundation,pile side friction strength and pile soil pressure changes with the pile body.The results show that with the increase of pile depth under low load,the vertical force of pile foundation is stable at first and then decreases rapidly,and the internal and external curves are basically the same.With the increase of pile foundation depth,the vertical force of pile foundation shows a continuous decrease under large load level.Under all load levels,with the increase of pile depth,the side friction strength of pile foundation increases first and then decreases,and there is a significant reverse bending point in the curve.With the progress of bridge con-struction,the soil pressure inside pile foundation decreases continuously.The soil pressure on the outside of pile foundation is higher than that on the inside of pile foundation.
贵州桥梁建设集团有限责任公司,贵州 贵阳 550001
Bridge engineeringPile foundationVertical loadVertical forcePile side frictionPile foundation soil pressure
《江西建材》 2024 (8)