

General practitioners'current understanding level of obstructive sleep apnea and effect of online training


目的:了解全科医师对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(obstructive sleep apnea,OSA)的认知现状及相关影响因素,评估线上培训对全科医师认知水平和自信度的提升效果.方法:通过问卷调查评估培训前后全科医师对OSA知识的掌握情况和态度、认知,并分析潜在的影响因素.结果:120名全科医师培训前OSA相关知识平均得分为(59.7±18.8)分,及格率为70.8%;培训后平均得分提高至(75.0±9.6)分,及格率达97.5%(均P<0.05).经过培训,全科医师对OSA相关知识的整体掌握水平有了显著提高(P<0.05).培训对于医师在识别高危风险OSA患者方面表现显著(P<0.05).关于未来培训需求,全科医师主要希望加强在OSA评分量表使用、无创气道正压通气治疗知识和OSA相关性慢性病表现方面的培训.结论:线上培训对全科医师的OSA知识水平和态度认知具有显著影响,提高了其对OSA的认知水平和诊疗自信度.全科医师应积极通过继续教育培训提升OSA诊疗能力,从而能够早期识别OSA患者,提高OSA的诊断和治疗率.

Objective To investigate general practitioner(GP)current understanding level of obstructive sleep apnea(OSA)and related influencing factors and evaluate the effect of online training on improving their knowledge and confidence levels of identifying and treatment of OSA.Methods Questionnaire surveys were used to evaluate GPs'knowledge and understanding level of OSA before and after the training,and to analyze potential influencing factors.Results Before the training,the average score of questionnaires of 120 GP was(59.7±18.8)points,and the passing rate was 70.8%.After the training,the average score of questionnaires was increased to(75.0±9.6)points,and the passing rate reached 97.5%.The training significantly improved the GPs'overall knowledge of OSA(P<0.05).The survey revealed that the training significantly enhanced GPs'ability to identify high-risk OSA patients(P<0.05).Regarding future training needs,GP mainly expressed a desire to strengthen training in the use of OSA scoring scales,knowledge of non-invasive positive airway pressure(PAP)ventilation therapy,and the management of chronic diseases associated with OSA.Conclusions Online training significantly improved GPs'knowledge and understanding level of OSA,enhanced their confidence in diagnosis and treatment of OSA.GP should actively participate in continuing education and training related to OSA.


上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院全科医学科,上海 200025福建医科大学附属龙岩第一医院全科医学科,福建 龙岩 364000上海市普陀区石泉街道社区卫生服务中心,上海 200061上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院全科医学科,上海 200025



Obstructive sleep apneaGeneral practitionersQuestionnaire surveyCognitive levelContinuing education training

《内科理论与实践》 2024 (4)


