Optimization of parameters for controllable shock waves pre-splitting in hard rocks in tectonic zones
为降低综采工作面构造区坚硬岩石对回采的影响,通过试验与数值模拟相结合的方法开展了可控冲击波预裂硬岩技术研究.借助可控冲击波能量测试平台,利用混凝土相似材料开展可控冲击波预裂试验;通过离散元CDEM软件模拟三维加载条件,揭示地应力、冲击波强度及弹性模量对预裂范围的影响.结果表明:地应力与破裂半径成反比关系,破裂范围与应力峰值和冲击次数成正比关系,放电电压30 kV、峰值压力224 MPa的冲击能量能够满足构造区硬岩破裂需求;现场应用证实了可控冲击波对回采工作面硬岩影响区的大块整岩裂隙发育会造成明显影响,经冲击波作用后岩层裂纹数在3条/m2以上,预裂区岩体呈松散、棱片状,割落的岩石无需二次破碎,恢复工作面日推进度3~5 m,与正常回采效率相当.可控冲击波预裂硬岩技术作为一种主动、超前、大面积治理井下硬岩影响区的新技术,可为煤矿安全高效生产提供一定的技术支撑.
In order to reduce the impact of hard rock in the structural area of the fully mechanized min-ing face on mining,a controllable shock wave presplitting technique for hard rock was developed through a combination of experiments and numerical simulations.Firstly,a controllable shock wave en-ergy testing platform was built,and the controllable shock wave presplitting tests were conducted using concrete-like materials.Then,by simulating the three-dimensional loading conditions using the continu-um-based discrete element method(CDEM)software,the influence of in-situ stress,shock wave intensi-ty,and elastic modulus on the presplitting range was examined.The results showed that the in-situ stress was inversely proportional to the fracture radius,and the peak stress and the number of shocks were directly proportional to the fracture range.Under the shock energy conditions of a discharge volt-age of 30 kV and a peak pressure of 224 MPa,the presplitting effects of test specimens at different dis-tances from the shock operation point were obtained.Finally,the field application showed that the con-trollable shock wave could significantly affect the development of large whole rock fractures in the hard rock affected area of the mining face.After the shock wave action,the number of rock cracks is more than 3/m2.The rock mass in the presplitting area is loose and angular.The cut rock does not need sec-ondary crushing.The daily advance of the recovery working face is 3~5 m,which is equivalent to the normal mining efficiency.As a new technology for treating the impact zone of hard rock underground actively and proactively in large areas,the controllable shock wave presplitting technology could provide technical support for safe and efficient production in coal mines.
山西阳煤集团南岭煤业有限公司,山西太原 030402山西阳煤集团南岭煤业有限公司,山西太原 030402西安科技大学安全科学与工程学院,陕西西安 710054山西瑞博云科技有限公司,山西太原 030032西安交通大学电气工程学院,陕西西安 710043
hard rockcontrollable shock waveefficient presplittingdiscrete element CDEM softwarelarge-area processing
《西安科技大学学报》 2024 (5)