

Nutritional Component Analysis and Quality Evaluation of Procypris merus in Guangxi


以广西桂林3个禾花鲤群体((LG、QZ1和QZ2))为研究对象,对其肌肉营养成分(基本营养成分、部分矿物质元素、氨基酸、脂肪酸)进行分析,并采取氨基酸评分(AAS)和化学评分(CS)对肌肉氨基酸进行评价,以期为保护和开发利用广西禾花鲤种质资源提供数据依据.结果显示:3组鱼肉粗蛋白含量丰富(17.26%~18.94%);LG组的粗蛋白含量显著高于QZ1 组和QZ2 组(P<0.05),但其总糖和粗脂肪含量均显著低于QZ1组和QZ2组(P<0.05).3组鱼肉中矿物质含量丰富,P含量最高,其次为Ca和Mg含量,LG组的P和Fe含量显著高于QZ2组(P<0.05).3组鱼肉中检测出的16种氨基酸中,含量最高的是Glu,其次是Asp和Lys,His和Met含量较低.LG组的􀰒TAA、􀰒EAA、􀰒NEAA、􀰒FAA含量均显著高于QZ1组和QZ2组(P<0.05).3组􀰒EAA/􀰒TAA和􀰒EAA/􀰒NEAA分别为37.90%~38.57%和72.89%~73.93%,接近理想蛋白质要求,且均以LG组最高.3组鱼肉检测出的脂肪酸种类均多于20种,其中棕榈酸含量最高(22.25%~28.21%),除了C18∶0和C21∶0外,LG组其余饱和脂肪酸含量均高于2 个QZ组;QZ1 组的􀰒PUFA以及EPA+DHA含量均高于LG和QZ2组.以上结果表明禾花鲤肌肉蛋白质含量丰富,必需氨基酸组成比例均接近理想蛋白质要求的 40%,多不饱和脂肪酸含量为25.61%~39.94%.3组鱼肉中赖氨酸的ASS和CS评分均最高,可以弥补谷物中赖氨酸的不足,提高食物中蛋白质的利用率.综上分析可知,禾花鲤肉质鲜美,营养丰富且比例均衡.LG组禾花鲤肌肉比2 个QZ组更能符合人体高蛋白、低脂肪的营养需求,氨基酸含量更为丰富.2个QZ组禾花鲤肉质更嫩,多不饱和脂肪酸含量更丰富,特别是QZ1组禾花鲤.

Three groups of Procypris merus(LG,QZ1 and QZ2)in Guilin of Guangxi were selected as the research objects,and their muscle nutrients(the basic nutrients,some mineral elements,amino acids and fatty acids)were analyzed,and the muscle amino acids were evaluated by amino acid score(AAS)and chemical score(CS),in order to provide data basis for the protection,development and utilization of the germ-plasm resources of P.merus in Guangxi.The results showed that the crude protein content in the fish of the three groups was rich(17.26%-18.94%).The crude protein content in LG group was significantly higher than that in the two groups of QZ1,QZ2(P<0.05),but the total sugar content and crude lipid content of P.merus in LG group were significantly lower than that in other two groups(P<0.05).The mineral content was abundant,and P was the highest major element in the 3 groups,followed by Ca and Mg.P and Fe contents in LG group was significantly higher than that in QZ2 group.Among the 16 amino acids detected in the 3 groups of P.merus,Glu content was the highest,followed by Asp and Lys,His and Me contents were the lowest.EAA/TAA and EAA/NEAA ratio in the 3 groups were 37.90%-38.57%and 72.89%-73.93%respectively,which was close to the ideal protein requirements,and the ratio in LG group was the highest.More than 20 kinds of fatty acids were detected in the 3 groups,and the content of palmitic acid were the highest(22.25%-28.21%).The content of all kinds of saturated fatty acids except C18∶0 and C21∶0 in LG group were higher than those in QZ1 and QZ2 groups,but the content of PUFA and EPA+DHA in QZ1 group were higher than LG and QZ2 groups.The above results indicate that the muscle protein content in P.merus was rich,the proportion of essential amino acids was close to 40%of the ideal protein requirements,and the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids was between 25.61%and 39.94%.ASS and CS scores of lysine in the fish of the three groups were the highest,which could supplement the shortage of lysine in grains and improve the utilization rate of protein in food.In summary,the results showed that the meat was delicious,nutrient-rich and balanced.LG muscle could better meet the human body's nutritional needs of high protein and low fat than QZ muscle,and the amino acid content was ric-her.The fish of P.merus in QZ group was more tender and rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids,especially QZ1 group.


广西大学动物科学技术学院/广西高校水生生物健康养殖与营养调控重点实验室,广西南宁 530004广西壮族自治区水产引育种中心,广西南宁 530031



P.merusMuscleNutrition componentAmino acidsFatty acidsQuality evaluation

《安徽农业科学》 2024 (022)

79-84 / 6


