

Study on the Residual Laws of Typical Antibacterial Drugs in the Feather and Sebum of Different Broiler Breeds


[目的]探索典型抗菌药物在不同品种肉鸡羽毛和皮脂中的残留规律,评价羽毛在肉鸡兽药残留监控中的意义.[方法]选择雪山鸡和AA肉鸡于出栏前21d投喂氟苯尼考和恩诺沙星,测定停药后不同时间羽毛和皮脂中的药物残留量.[结果]停药后第1天2 个品种肉鸡羽毛中氟苯尼考及其代谢物(氟苯尼考胺)的残留总量达到最高水平,且含量相当.停药后第1天雪山鸡羽毛中恩诺沙星及其代谢物(环丙沙星)残留总量达到峰值,AA肉鸡于停药后第3天达到峰值,且雪山鸡羽毛中药物残留总量峰值远高于AA肉鸡.此后,羽毛中药物残留总量逐渐下降,停药后第 14 天氟苯尼考及其代谢物在 AA 肉鸡和雪山鸡羽毛中的残留总量分别为 281.37 和424.30 μg/kg,恩诺沙星及其代谢物残留总量分别为16.03和26.21 μg/kg.皮脂中2种药物的残留规律与羽毛中2种药物的残留规律类似,提示通过监测羽毛中的药物残留量可以间接推断可食用组织的药物残留情况.[结论]同种药物在不同品种肉鸡羽毛中的代谢规律存在差异,羽毛中药物残留量可作为监测肉鸡产品中药物残留水平的参考.

[Objective]To explore the residual laws of typical antibacterial drugs in the feather and sebum of different broiler breeds,and eval-uate the significance of feathers in monitoring the veterinary drug residues of broilers.[Method]Xueshan Chicken and AA broilers were fed with flufenicol or enrofloxacin for 21 days before slaughter,and drug residues in the feather and sebum at different time after withdrawal were determined.[Result]The residues of flufenicol and its metabolites(flufenicolamide)in the feathers of the two broiler breeds reached the highest level on the first day after drug withdrawal,and the contents were close.The total residue of enrofloxacin and its metabolites(ciprofloxacin)in the feathers of Xueshan Chicken reached its peak on the first day after withdrawal,and that in AA chicken reached its peak on the third day af-ter withdrawal.The peak residual amount of drugs in the feather of Xueshan Chicken was greatly higher than that in AA broilers.Then the drug residual amount in the feather gradually decreased.On the 14th day after withdrawal,the residues of flufenicol and its metabolites in the the feathers of AA broilers and Xueshan Chicken were 281.37 and 424.30 μg/kg respectively,the content of enrofloxacin and its metabolites were 16.03 and 26.21 μg/kg,respectively.The residual laws of the two drug es in the sebum were similar to those in the feathers,suggesting that mo-nitoring drug residues in the feathers could indirectly infer drug residues in edible tissues.[Conclusion]There were differences in the metabo-lism of the same drug in the feathers of different breeds of broilers,and the drug residues in the feathers could be used as the reference for mo-nitoring the drug residues in broiler products.


江苏省家禽科学研究所,江苏扬州 225125||农业农村部禽类产品质量安全风险评估实验室(扬州),江苏扬州 225125



FlufenicolEnrofloxacinFeatherSebumResidue laws

《安徽农业科学》 2024 (022)

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