Characteristics of magnetic fabrics of major fault zones in the Yin'e Basin and its tectonic significance
银额盆地作为中亚造山带演化过程中形成的盆地,是我国油气资源重要远景区,受盆地周缘北大山断裂、狼山断裂等边界断裂的长期活动影响,表现出北东向隆(起)坳(陷)相间、隆中有坳、坳中有隆的复杂构造格局;特别是发育于其中的阿尔金断裂带、红石山断裂带、恩格尔乌苏断裂带和吉兰泰断裂带等多条区域性构造带,在一定程度上控制了盆地的形成演化.在详细的野外调研基础上,运用构造岩磁组构方法对断裂带的应力应变特征开展研究.结果显示,构造岩磁组构样品的平均磁化率Km具强磁化率与弱磁化率两种特征;磁组构形状参数T、磁面理F与磁线理L共同指示磁化率椭球体主要表现为压扁型,极少数为拉长型,其磁组构F⁃L Flinn图解多集中于剪切应变区域,表明断裂带以挤压、剪切为主,并伴有少量的伸展变形;最小磁化率主轴Kmin方位表明各断裂带主应力方向多集中在NW⁃SE向,与北东向隆坳相间的盆地格局相对应.NWW、NE向伸展变形应形成于俯冲碰撞后构造体制转换背景下的伸展垮塌,与盆地内北东向裂陷盆地的发育相吻合,而沿恩格尔乌苏断裂带局部发生近S⁃N向与近E⁃W向的挤压运动,可能为断裂带局部地区走向变化所致.
As a basin formed during the evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,Yin'e Basin is an important prospective area for oil and gas resources in China.Influenced by the long⁃term activities of boundary faults such as the Beishan fault and the Langshan fault around the basin,Yin'e Basin exhibits a complex tectonic pattern of alternating uplift and depression in the northeast direction,with a central zone of both depression and uplift.The Altyn fault zone,Hongshishan fault zone,Engeerwusu fault zone and Jilantai fault zone,developed within the basin,control its formation and evolution.Using the tectonic⁃rock magnetic fabric method based on detailed field investigation,results show that tectonic fabric samples have two main characteristics of magnetic susceptibility:strong and weak.The shape parameters of magnetic fabric T(shape),magnetic foliation F and magnetic lineation L indicate that the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid is predominantly flattened.The Flinn logarithm plot of elongated structural rock samples predominantly concentrates in the shear strain region,suggesting that the fracture zone experiences mainly compression and shear,with some minor tensile deformation.The orientation of Kmin,the main axis of minimum magnetic susceptibility,indicates that the principal stress direction in each fault zone is concentrated mostly in the NW⁃SE direction,corresponding to the basin's pattern of northeast⁃oriented uplift and depression.NWW and NE extensional deformations likely resulted from extensional collapse during tectonic regime transformation following subduction collision,consistent with the development of NE⁃SW trending rift basins.Local compressive forces in S⁃N and EW directions along the Engelwusu fault zone may be attributed to changes in the fault zone's local strike.
大陆动力学国家重点实验室,西北大学地质系 西安 710069大陆动力学国家重点实验室,西北大学地质系 西安 710069中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心 西安 710054中国石油长庆油田第五采油厂 西安 710200大陆动力学国家重点实验室,西北大学地质系 西安 710069
Yin'e BasinMagnetic fabricFault zoneTectonic deformation
《地质科学》 2024 (6)