Combining ability of main agronomic traits and their application potential in 22 maize inbred lines
[目的]分析利用具有国外种业公司背景的玉米杂交种(组合)选育的自交系主要农艺性状的配合力及应用潜力,为玉米种质资源的科学引进与合理利用提供参考依据.[方法]以先21A、SP221、桂39722及桂兆18421等4个广西玉米骨干自交系为测验种,采用4×22 NCⅡ遗传交配设计对22个玉米自交系的株高、穗位高、穗长、穗粗及穗行数等10个重要农艺性状进行配合力、遗传效应和应用潜力分析.[结果]在22个自交系中,大多数重要农艺性状的一般配合力(GCA)表现较好的自交系为B1、B8和B22.不同血缘背景自交系的GCA各有特点,铁岭先锋种子研究有限公司和三北种业有限公司品种(组合)二环系的穗长和穗粗GCA效应值较高,中种国际种子公司二环系的穗行数、三北种业有限公司二环系的百粒重、铁岭先锋种子研究有限公司二环系的行粒数和出籽率等的平均GCA效应值较高.在不同杂交组合中,除株高与穗位高外,其他农艺性状的SCA效应值均较好的杂交组合有T1×B20和T1×B15.株高的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力分别为94.45%和63.72%,其他9个农艺性状的狭义遗传力均小于50.00%.根据配合力评价杂交优势类群,明确其育种的应用潜力,结果显示选自铁岭先锋种子研究有限公司的自交系B12、B13、B15、B19、B22与T2(桂39722,桂单0810的母本)为同一类群;选自其他公司的自交系与4个广西骨干自交系间均可能是杂交优势类群.[结论]自交系B1、B8和B22的农艺性状综合表现优良,可重点育种利用,而杂交组合T1×B20(先21A×正大808的二环系)和T1×B15(先21A×先玉1173的二环系)的产量相关性状表现优良,可参加品种区域试验.在育种工作中,可根据不同国外公司品种选育的二环系在穗长、穗粗、百粒重、穗行数及出籽率等方面的表型优势,有针对性地进行利用或改良.在自交系选育过程中,株高适宜早代选择,穗位高、穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数、百粒重、出籽率和单株产量应晚代选择.
[Objective]The combining ability and their application potential of main agronomic traits of maize inbred lines bred by foreign seed companies were analyzed to provide reference for scientific introduction and rational utilization of maize germplasm resources.[Method]Using Xian 21A,SP221,Gui 39722 and Guizhao 18421 Guangxi major inbred lines as test species in breeding,the genetic mating design of 4×22 NCⅡ was used to analyze the combining ability,ge-netic effect and application potential of 10 important agronomic traits such as plant height,ear height,ear length,ear dia-meter and kernel row number in 22 maize inbred lines.[Result]The results showed that,among the 22 inbred lines,B1,B8 and B22 inbred lines had better general combining ability(GCA)performance for most important agronomic traits.The GCA of different inbred lines had their own characteristics.The bicyclic lines derived from Tieling Vanguard Seed Re-search Co.,Ltd.(TVD)and Sanbei seed Co.,Ltd.maize varieties had higher GCA of ear length and ear diameter.The ave-rage GCA effect values of maize bicyclic lines coming from China Seed International Seed Co.,Ltd.(CS)was higher for the ear row number,as well as the 100-kernel weight of Sanbei Seed Co.,Ltd.,and kernel row number and kernel rate of TVD.Except plant height and ear height,the best specific combining ability(SCA)effect values of other agronomic traits belonged to T1×B20 and T1×B15 among different hybrid combinations.The broad heritability and narrow heritabi-lity of plant height were 94.45%and 63.72%respectively,and the narrow heritability of other 9 agronomic traits was less than 50.00%.According to their combining ability,the heterosis groups were evaluated to determine their application po-tential in breeding.B12,B13,B15,B19,B22 inbred lines selected by TVD and T2(Gui 39722,female parent of Guidan 0810)were in the same group.The inbred lines selected by other companies and the 4 Guangxi major inbred lines might be heterosis groups.[Conclusion]The inbred lines B1,B8 and B22 had good comprehensive performance of agronomic traits,which can be used specifically for breeding,while the hybrid combinations T1×B20(the bicyclic line of Xian 21A×Zhengda 808)and T1×B15(the bicyclic line of Xian 21A×Xianyu 1173)are of excellent yield related traits,which can be used for variety regional trials as candidate cultivars.In the breeding process,the maize bicyclic lines selected by different foreign companies can be utilized or improved according to their phenotypic advantages in ear length,ear diameter,100-kernel weight,ear row number and kernel rate.In the selection process of inbred lines,plant height should be selected in early generation,while ear height,ear length,ear diameter,ear row number,kernels per row,100-kernel weight,kernel rate and yield per plant should be selected in late generation.
河池市农业科学研究所,广西河池 546306||广西农业科学院河池分院,广西河池 546306广西农业科学院甘蔗研究所/广西甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室,广西南宁 530007
maizecombining abilityhereditary effectsheterosisapplication potential
《南方农业学报》 2024 (009)
2567-2579 / 13
广西创新驱动发展专项资金项目(桂科AA22068095-7);国家现代农业产业技术体系广西玉米创新团队河池综合试验站项目(nycytxgxcxtd-2021-04-06) Guangxi Innovation Driven Development Special Project(Guike AA22068095-7);Hechi Com-prehensive Experimental Station Project of National Modern Agricultural Industrial Technology System for Guangxi Maize Innovation team(nycytxgxcxtd-2021-04-06)