Addition of Sorghum by Solid-state Fermentation and its Effects on Dried Sorghum-noodle Quality
为探究固态发酵高粱对挂面品质影响,丰富杂粮挂面种类,将固态发酵高粱添加到面粉中制备高粱挂面,评价了高粱挂面色泽、蒸煮特性、质构特性和食用品质.结果显示,固态发酵高粱的添加显著提升了高粱挂面L*、a*和b*色泽值(P<0.05),且固态发酵48 h的高粱添加比30 h制得的高粱挂面色泽变化更加显著.米曲霉、乳酸菌、酵母菌/乳酸菌发酵高粱的添加缩短了高粱挂面的蒸煮时间,酵母菌/乳酸菌发酵高粱添加制得挂面蒸煮损失率达到15.80%,酵母菌/乳酸菌/好食脉孢菌发酵高粱添加制得的挂面吸水率最高达到140%、断条率最低为8.4%.未添加发酵高粱制得的挂面硬度和粘性显著高于添加发酵高粱制得的挂面(P<0.05),酵母菌/乳酸菌/好食脉孢菌发酵制得的高粱挂面感官得分最高.固态发酵高粱的制备及其在高粱挂面中的应用,为高粱食品开发提供了技术支持.
In order to clarify the effects of sorghum through solid-state fermentation on the noodle quality and develop new types of coarse noodles,the solid-state fermented sorghum was added into the wheat flour to produce dried sorghum-noodle,and color,cooking characteristic,texture quality and eating property of fermented sorghum-noodle were evaluated in present research.Results indicated that color values of the addition of fermented sorghum-noodle were significantly increased(P<0.05),such as L*,a*and b*,and those at 48 h fermentation time were higher than those of at 30 h.Cooking times of sorghum-noodle were shorten after respective addition of sorghum fermented by Aspergillus oryzae,Lactobacillus plantarum,Saccharomyces cerevisiae/Lactobacillus plantarum(MY),cooking loss rate was the highest one with 15.80%in sorghum-noodle with MY fermented sorghum,water absorption rate was also the highest one with 140%in S.cerevisiae/L.plantarumlNeurospora sitophila(MYS)fermented sorghum and broken rate was the least with 8.4%.The hardness and viscosity of the noodles prepared with un-fermented sorghum were significantly higher than those prepared with fermented sorghum(P<0.05),and the scores of sorghum-noodle by MYS fermented sorghum were the highest one among them.Therefore preparation of fermented sorghum addition in dried noodle would support the application sorghum in food field.
黑龙江八一农垦大学食品学院,大庆 163319黑龙江八一农垦大学食品学院,大庆 163319黑龙江八一农垦大学食品学院,大庆 163319||黑龙江省食品与生物技术创新研究中心黑龙江八一农垦大学食品学院,大庆 163319||黑龙江省杂粮加工及质量安全工程技术研究中心国家粮食和物资储备局科学研究院
solid-state fermentationdried sorghum-noodlequality characteristicssensory property
《黑龙江八一农垦大学学报》 2024 (6)