

Identification and domestication of a wild strain of Oudemansiella raphanipes


在湖南省长沙市岳麓山采集到 1 株野生蘑菇,采用组织分离法获得纯培养菌株 HCS,以卵孢小奥德蘑(Oudemansiella raphanipes)商业栽培菌株H1为对照,结合形态学和ITS序列分析对其进行鉴定,通过菌丝培养确定 HCS 菌丝最适生长温度,测定菌丝漆酶与过氧化物酶活性,对其进行覆土栽培驯化,观测其出菇特性与子实体农艺性状.结果表明:通过形态学分析,结合分子鉴定,确定HCS为卵孢小奥德蘑;HCS菌丝最适生长温度为 24℃,菌丝漆酶活性为 77.55 U/g,过氧化物酶活性为 4 680.15 U/g,均显著高于H1的,其中过氧化物酶活性是H1的 2.56倍;HCS菌丝满袋时间为 37 d,覆土后第 38 天开始出现幼菇;HCS整体菇形健壮,单菇鲜质量14.75 g;子实体菌盖厚度 16.30 mm,菌盖直径 31.77 mm,菌柄长度 54.17 mm,菌柄直径 14.07 mm,菌柄基部直径 19.87 mm,菌柄颜色为浅褐色;HCS栽培过程中无菌包污染,其抗性强于栽培菌种 H1 的.综上可知,HCS是一种优异的种质资源,具有进一步开发利用的价值.

In this study,the HCS strain was isolataed from a wild fruiting body collected from Yuelu Mountain,Changsha City,Hunan,China.After morphology and ITS identification,the optimal growth temperature,laccase and peroxidase activities of HCS mycelium were determined.The fruiting characteristics and agricultural traits of HCS were also evaluated by fruiting trial.Morphology and ITS analysis confirmed that HCS was Oudemansiella raphanipes.The optimal growth temperature of HCS mycelium was 24 ℃.The activities of laccase and peroxidase of the HCS mycelium were 77.55 U/g and 4 680.15 U/g,respectively,which were significantly higher than those of commercial cultivated H1 strain,and the peroxidase activity was 2.5 times that of H1.Thirty-seven days were required for HCS mycelium to fully colonize the substrates in cultivated bags.With the conventional fruiting managements,thirty-eight days were required for primordia formation of HCS after casing soil.Overall,the fruiting bodies of HCS were robust,and the single fruiting body weighted 14.75 g.For the size of of HCS fruiting body,the pileus thickness,pileus diameter,stipe(light brown)length,stipe diameter and stipe base diameter was 16.30,31.77,54.17,14.07,19.87 mm,respectively.No cultivated bags of HCS was contaminated,indicating its superior resistance to contaminants than the commercial cultivated strain H1.Taken together,HCS was an excellent germplasm of O.raphanipes,and it had the potential for further development and utilization.


湖南农业大学园艺学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南迪为农业科技有限公司,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学园艺学院,湖南 长沙 410128||岳麓山实验室,湖南 长沙 410128



Oudemansiella raphanipesstrainisolation and identificationITS analysisenzymatic activitydomestication

《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (005)

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