

Effects of Corn Stover Deep Incorporation in Successive and Alter-nate Years on Soil Physical Properties and Nutrients


秸秆深还是一种新出现的玉米秸秆还田方式,以往对秸秆深还后持续不同年限的土壤培肥效果研究较多,而对连年与隔年2种秸秆深还方式对比的研究较少.在还田年限(3年)和总还田量相同的情况下,为研究土壤物理性质、土壤有机质及速效养分含量的变化,设计4个处理,分别为未施用玉米秸秆(ck)、连续3年1倍量秸秆深还(CS-3A)、连续3年2倍量秸秆深还(2CS-3A)、间隔3年3倍量秸秆深还(3CS-G3A),对比连续 3年分 3次与间隔 3年集中 1次 2种秸秆深还方式对土壤物理性状、有机质、速效养分的影响.结果表明:连年与隔年秸秆深还各处理对土壤容重和紧实度的降低效果,随着还田年限的增加而逐渐减弱,各处理均能提高土壤有机质和养分含量.与ck相比,CS-3A处理表层与亚表层碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾分别增加了 12.90%~14.54%,27.53%~34.80%,10.45%~13.99%和 28.24%~29.57%,26.28%~34.42%,21.71%~26.22%;3CS-G3A处理表层与亚表层分别增加了 3.21%~6.43%,5.33%~21.72%,0.80%~3.71%和11.02%~23.34%,4.35%~24.35%,4.24%~15.82%;且CS-3A处理增加SOC幅度最大,表层与亚表层分别比ck增加了16.9%~18.9%和19.2%~20.6%.综上,3年内CS-3A处理对土壤肥力的提升效果优于3CS-G3A处理.

Corn stover deep incorporation is a new way of returning corn stover to the field in the past decade.Previous studies have focused on soil fertility effects of different successive years of sto-ver deep incorporation,but there is relatively little research comparing the two stover deep incorpora-tion methods of consecutive years and alternate years.Therefore,this experiment compared the ef-fects of two stover deep incorporation methods on soil physical properties,organic matter,and avail-able nutrients,with 3 times in three successive years and 1 concentrated returning in three years,un-der the same returning period(3 years)and total returning amount.For this reason,we designed four treatment methods:no corn stover incorporated(ck),full amount of stover deep incorporation for 3 successive years(CS-3A),double amount of stover deep incorporation for 3 successive years(2CS-3A),and triple amount of corn stover deep incorporation at an interval three years(3CS-G3A),and studied the changes in soil physical properties,soil organic matter,and available nutrient content.The results showed that the reduction effects of the treatments of successive and every other years of deep stover returning on soil bulk density and compactness gradually weaken with the increase of the returning period,and each treatment can increase soil organic matter and nutrient content.Compared with ck,surface and subsurface alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen,available phosphorus and available po-tassium in CS-3A treatment increased by 12.90%-14.54%,27.53%-34.80%,10.45%-13.99%,and 28.24%-29.57%,26.28%-34.42%and 21.71%-26.22%,respectively.Surface and subsurface lay-ers in 3CS-G3A treatment increased by 3.21%-6.43%,5.33%-21.72%,0.80%-3.71%,and 11.02%-23.34%,4.35%-24.35%and 4.24%-15.82%,respectively.And CS-3A treatment increased SOC the most,with surface and subsurface layers increased by 16.9%-18.9%and 19.2%-20.6%,re-spectively,compared with ck.On the whole,the effect of CS-3A treatment on soil fertility is better than that of 3CS-G3A treatment within 3 years.


吉林农业大学资源与环境学院,长春 130118长春市瑞图测绘有限公司,长春 130000



corn stover deep incorporationsoilphysical propertyorganic matteravailable nu-trient

《吉林农业大学学报》 2024 (005)

712-720 / 9


