

Bibliometric analysis of cognitive dysfunction after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage


目的 基于文献计量学分析探讨动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血(aSAH)后认知功能障碍领域的研究热点及研究趋势.方法 利用VoSviewer、CiteSpace和R语言Bibliometrix包等工具,对Web of Science核心合集(WoSCC)数据库中检索得到的aSAH后认知功能障碍相关文献(时间范围1991年1月1日-2023年12月31日)进行文献计量学分析.结果 本研究基于检索策略共筛选出262篇文献,涉及44个国家、443所机构和1 328位作者.美国是发文量最多的国家(72篇),也是参与国际协作最多的国家;多伦多大学是发文量最多的机构(18篇).Neurosurgery、World Neurosurgery是目前该领域发文量最高的期刊,发文量均为15篇;发表在Stroke的文献共被引频次最高,被引用1 222次.MACDONALD R L是该领域发文量最高的作者(17篇),WONG GKC是共被引频次最高的作者(179次).目前关于aSAH后认知功能的研究热点集中于aSAH后认知功能障碍、早期脑损伤(EBI)、迟发性脑缺血(DCI)及脑血管痉挛(CV)方面.aSAH后DCI对认知功能障碍的影响机制是该领域的研究趋势之一.结论 目前,aSAH后认知功能障碍领域的研究热点集中于EBI、CV及DCI等病理生理过程,aSAH后病理生理改变的机制研究仍是该领域未来的研究热点.

Objective To explore the research hotspots and trends in the field of cognitive dysfunc-tion after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage(aSAH)based on bibliometric analysis.Methods Tools such as VoSviewer,CiteSpace,and the R language Bibliometrix package were utilized to conduct a bibliometric analysis of literature related to cognitive dysfunction after aSAH retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection(WoSCC)database,spanning from January 1,1991,to December 31,2023.Results A total of 262 articles involving 44 countries,443 institutions,and 1,328 authors were screened based on the search strategy.The United States was the country with the highest number of articles(72)and the most international collaboration.The University of Toronto was the most produc-tive institution(18 articles).Neurosurgery and World Neurosurgery were the journals with the highest number of publications in this field,each contributing 15 articles.The articles published in Stroke were the highest in total citation frequency,with 1,222 citations.MACDONALD R L was the most prolific author in this field(17 articles),while WONG G K C had the highest co-citation frequency(179 times).Currently,the research hotspots in cognitive dysfunction after aSAH focused on early brain injury(EBI),delayed cerebral ischemia(DCI),and cerebral vasospasm(CV).The mechanism of DCI's impact on cognitive dysfunction after aSAH represented one of the research trends in this field.Conclusion The current research hotspots in the field of cognitive dysfunction after aSAH concentrate on pathophysiological processes such as EBI,CV,and DCI.The exploration of mechanisms underlying pathophysiological changes after aSAH remains a focal point for future research in this area.





aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhagecognitive dysfunctionbibliometricsvis-ual analysisdelayed cerebral ischemia

《实用临床医药杂志》 2024 (019)

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