

Molecular marker methods for distinguishing cotton aphid populations


棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)是种内种群分化明显的重要农业害虫,种群分化给棉蚜生物学及分子生物学的研究带来挑战.通过高通量数据比对,从棉花型和黄瓜型棉蚜线粒体基因组中鉴定出一段包含多态性位点的区域,该区域位于线粒体Cyt b基因上,命名为Hap577.与其他蚜虫相比,棉蚜中Hap577包含的多态型位点具特异性.采集自7种不同寄主的1 031个棉蚜样品,基于Hap577鉴定出60个棉蚜单倍型(Hap1-Hap60),其中87.9%为Hap1、Hap3、Hap4和Hap17;采自西葫芦和黄瓜上棉蚜的单倍型92.2%为Hap1、Hap3、Hap4和Hap17;采自花椒、木槿、石榴和棉花上棉蚜的单倍型87.1%为Hap1和Hap4;采自甜瓜上棉蚜的单倍型69.8%为Hap3.对53个发布在NCBI数据库的棉蚜转录组数据进行分析,鉴定出其单倍型与采集寄主的对应关系与上述研究结果一致.这一研究建立了基于稳定多态性位点对棉蚜进行种群划分的分子标记方法,可为探索不同种群棉蚜发生规律、抗药性机制及植物抗虫机制奠定基础.

Aphis gossypii Glover was a significant agricultural pest that exhibits distinct intraspecific population differ-entiation,posing challenges for the study of its biology and molecular biology.Through RNA-seq data analysis,we had identified a region of stable polymorphisms located on the mitochondrial Cyt b gene between cotton-type and cucumber-type A.gossypii,which we named Hap577.The polymorphic loci contained within Hap577 were specific to A.gossypii.Among the 1 031 A.gossypii samples collected from various hosts,we identified 60 haplotypes,with the majority being composed of Hap1,Hap3,Hap4 and Hap17,which accounted for 87.9%of the total.Specifically,92.2%of the A.gossypii collected from zucchini and cucumbers consisted of Hap1,Hap3,Hap4 and Hap17;87.1%of the A.gossypii collected from peppercorns,hibiscus,pomegranates and cotton were composed of Hap1 and Hap4;69.8%of the A.gos-sypii collected from melons were comprised of Hap3.This molecular marker allowed for the analysis of RNA-seq data to obtain haplotype data from samples.Analysis of RNA-seq data from 53 A.gossypii samples,which were published in the NCBI database,revealed a consistent relationship between haplotypes and the hosts from which they were collected,mir-roring the findings of this study.In this study,we developed a molecular marker method for the population subdivision of A.gossypii,utilizing stable polymorphism sites and established a foundational framework for investigating patterns of oc-currence,mechanisms of insecticide resistance,and aphid resistance mechanisms in the host.


扬州大学植物保护学院,江苏扬州 225009



Aphis gossypiipopulation differentiationmolecular markersbiotype

《扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 2024 (005)

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