The Influence of Policy Guidance of Innovative Industrial Clusters on the Scale Benefit of Clusters
探讨创新型产业集群政策引导、研发基础、创新协作、规模效益之间的互动机制,研究政策引导对国家级与省级、数字产业类与非数字产业类集群规模效益的影响差异.选取2023 年湖北省创新型产业集群3 105 份企业问卷作为样本数据,从政策、协作、创新、效益4 个维度构建湖北省创新型产业集群影响模型,分析不同因素对集群效益的影响.结果表明,创新型产业集群政策引导对集群企业规模效益呈现显著正向影响,对国家级和数字产业类集群规模效益影响更为显著.最后提出4 类创新型产业集群全域推进、全链整合的政策建议.
This paper discusses the interaction mechanism among policy guidance,R&D foundation,in-novation cooperation and scale benefit of innovative industrial clusters,and studies the difference of the influence of policy guidance on the scale benefit of national and provincial,information technology and non-information technology clusters.Selecting 3 105 questionnaires of innovative industrial clusters in Hubei Province in 2023 as sample data,this paper constructs the impact model of innovative industrial clusters in Hubei Province from four dimensions:policy,cooperation,innovation and benefit,and analy-zes the influence of different factors on the cluster benefits.The results show that the policy guidance of innovative industrial clusters has a significant positive impact on the scale benefit of cluster enterpri-ses,especially on the scale benefit of national and information technology clusters.Finally,it puts for-ward four kinds of policy suggestions for global promotion and chain integration of innovative industrial clusters.
湖北工业大学经济与管理学院,湖北 武汉 430068||湖北数字工业经济发展研究中心,湖北 武汉 430068
innovative industrial clusterpolicy guidancescale benefitregional promotionfull chain integration
《技术与创新管理》 2024 (006)
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