The Influence of Green Technology Innovation on Industrial Green Energy Efficiency in China
The dynamic StoNED model is used to measure the dynamic change trend of China's indus-trial green energy efficiency,and then the spatial error model is used to study the impact of green tech-nology innovation on China's industrial green energy efficiency from the perspective of digital econo-my,and it is found that there is a positive spatial spillover effect of China's industrial green energy ef-ficiency.The results show that:the industrial green energy efficiency in China decreases first and then increases,and gradually converges from inland areas to East and South China;Digital technology plays a positive role in the improvement of industrial green energy efficiency under the time-fixed model,but digital industry and digital environment variables have a negative impact on industrial green energy effi-ciency under certain circumstances;Digital technology,digital industry and digital environment varia-bles have different effects on industrial green energy efficiency with regional heterogeneity and scale heterogeneity under different spatial weight matrices.
云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院,云南 昆明 650500
green technology innovationindustrial green energy efficiencydynamic StoNED modeldigital economyspatial error model
《技术与创新管理》 2024 (006)
635-647 / 13