Buffeting response and mitigation measures of large-span arch bridges during cantilever construction
为了探讨大跨度拱桥悬臂施工阶段的抖振位移响应及相应的抑振措施,以主跨 400 m的中承式钢桁架拱桥为研究对象,首先建立了最大悬臂施工阶段拱桥结构的有限元模型,并基于谐波合成法模拟了三维空间脉动风场,然后采用时域分析方法计算了拱肋悬臂端和施工扣塔顶部的抖振位移响应,并利用风洞试验结果进行了对比验证,最后考察了不同抑振措施的减振效果.结果表明:在拱肋悬臂端设置竖向抗风缆能有效减小拱肋的竖向抖振位移响应;同时,设置倾角 45°的扣塔抗风缆和拱肋抗风缆,可以使拱肋横桥向、竖向及扣塔横桥向、顺桥向抖振位移响应的减振率分别达到 62.5%、84.8%、61.0%和 62.7%.此外,采用空间交错方式和竖平面内交错方式"软连接"拱肋悬臂端,可以使拱肋横桥向、竖向及扣塔顺桥向抖振位移响应的减振率分别达到 49.5%、95.7%和 67.1%.以上结果证明大跨度拱桥悬臂施工期抖振减振效果与抗风措施的布设位置和方式密切相关,应合理选择适合的抗风措施.
In order to study the wind-induced buffeting displacement response and various vibration mitigation strategies of long-span arch bridge during the maximum cantilever construction stage,this study delves into the dynamic behavior of a half-through steel truss arch bridge with a main span of 400 m.Firstly,a detailed finite element model of the arch bridge structure during the maximum cantilever construction phase is established.Then,the three-dimensional pulsating wind field is simulated using the harmonic synthesis method,and the buffeting displacement response at the cantilever end of the arch rib and the top of the buckle tower is calculated employing the time-domain analysis method.These theoretical findings are compared and validated with the wind tunnel test results.Finally,the effectiveness of various vibration mitigation measures is thoroughly examined.The results show that installing vertical wind-resistant cables at the arch rib cantilever end can significantly reduce vertical buffeting displacement.Furthermore,installing wind-resistant cables at a 45°angle for both the buckle tower and the arch rib results in vibration reduction rates of 62.5%,84.8%,61.0%,and 62.7%for the lateral and vertical displacements of the arch rib,and the lateral and along-bridge buffeting displacements of the tower,respectively.Additionally,a spatial staggered connection and a vertical plane staggered soft connection at the cantilever end of the arch rib can lead to notable vibration reduction effects of 49.5%,95.7%,and 67.1%for the lateral and vertical displacements of the arch rib,and the along-bridge buffeting displacement of the tower,respectively.The results above prove that the effectiveness of various vibration mitigation measures of long-span arch bridge during the maximum cantilever construction stage is closely related to the location and mode of wind resistance measures,and appropriate wind resistance measures should be selected reasonably.
西南石油大学土木工程与测绘学院,成都 610500西南石油大学土木工程与测绘学院,成都 610500西南石油大学土木工程与测绘学院,成都 610500西南石油大学土木工程与测绘学院,成都 610500西南石油大学土木工程与测绘学院,成都 610500西南交通大学风工程试验研究中心,成都 610031
steel truss arch bridgecantilever construction stagebuffeting responsenumerical analysiswind tunnel testvibration mitigation measures
《空气动力学学报》 2024 (10)