High-quality Development of Oil-tea Industry in Zhejiang Province:Present Situation and Countermeasures
文中概述了浙江省油茶产业发展的资源条件、发展基础、科技研发、品质品牌等多方面的优势及现存问题,包括经营管理粗放、产业化水平低,林地资源有限、扩面难度较大,茶油质量良莠不齐、销售市场混乱,产业后续投资少、发展后劲不足,产业结构欠合理、资源综合利用率低等.在此基础上,为进一步促进浙江省油茶产业高质量发展,提出5 方面建议:1)加强科学经营管理,提高产业发展水平;2)拓宽融资渠道,提高政策性投资力度;3)培育新型经营主体,推进适度规模经营;4)实施区域品牌战略,提升区域竞争力;5)塑造产业新型业态,促进三产融合发展.
This paper reviews the advantages that Zhejiang Province has in resources conditions,development foundation,sci-tech development,quality improvement and brand cultivation of oil-tea industry in Zhejiang Province,and points out the problems such as extensive management,low industrialization level,limited land for expansion,unstable quality,chaotic market,shortage of follow-up inputs,insufficient momentum of development,unreasonable industrial structure and low utilization rate of resources.Based on the analyses,the paper comes up with suggestions to further promote the high-quality development of oil-tea industry in Zhejiang Province,including:1)Strengthening science-based management to improve the industrial development;2)Broadening the channel for financing,especially the policy-based investment;3)Cultivating new management entities for fostering the operation at the proper scale;4)Implementing the regional brand strategy to increase the regional competition;and 5)Shaping new industrial forms to promote the primary-secondary-tertiary industries integration.
浙江省林业技术推广总站 杭州 310016浙江省仙居县林业技术推广总站 浙江仙居 317300浙江省林业局改革与发展处 杭州 310016
oil-tea industryhigh quality developmentZhejiang Province
《林草政策研究》 2024 (002)
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