

Fire Prevention at Daqingshan in Baotou Area:Current Conditions and Countermeasures


森林火灾是一种破坏性大、突发性强、救助较为困难的自然灾害,会引起一连串的生态环境问题.做好森林草原防火工作是贯彻落实习近平生态文明思想的重要举措,是建设人与自然和谐共生现代化的根本要求.文中通过实地调研总结内蒙古大青山包头辖区森林草原防火工作概况,包括重点防火区域分布、防火基础设施分布、防火队伍力量建设、火灾隐患管控等情况,并从自然环境风险、社会环境风险、制度机制风险 3 个方面分析了辖区内存在的森林火灾风险隐患.在此基础上,建议从 4 个方面入手开展辖区内森林草原防火工作:1)强化队伍建设,提高处置能力;2)强化疏堵结合,严控火源管理;3)强化职能作用,贯通责任链条;4)加大经费投入,提供保障支撑.

Forest fire is a natural disaster that is destructive,sudden to happen,and difficult to rescue,and it can cause a series of eco-environment problems.Preventing forest/grassland fire is an important measure to implement Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization and a fundamental requirement for achieving the modernization to the harmonious human-nature coexistence.This paper summarizes the current conditions of forest/grassland fire prevention at Daqingshan,Baotou District,Inner Mongolia,including forest resources,key fire prevention zones,the distribution of fire infrastructure,the characteristics of meteorological elements,fire prevention teams,and the control of fire hazards,and analyzes the hidden risks of forest fire in the area from the three aspects of natural risk,social risk and institutional risk.Based on the analysis,it is proposed to carry out forest/grassland fire prevention in the area from the four aspects:1)strengthening team building for improving response capabilities;2)combing prevention and control to better manage fire sources;3)improving functions and roles to shoulder all the responsibilities along the chain of fire prevention;and 4)increasing the investment to build supports in fire prevention.


内蒙古森林消防总队特勤大队包头中队 内蒙古 包头 014000中共包头市青山区委党校 内蒙古 包头 014000



forest firefire infrastructurefire teamfire-source managementDaqingshan in Baotou city

《林草政策研究》 2024 (002)

99-103 / 5

