

Numerical simulation analysis of the effects of radial clearance and rotational speed on oil film sealing angle


针对计算滚动转子压缩机内径向间隙泄漏时,将油膜长度视为恒定值而导致误差较大的问题,同时深入探讨油膜长度对压缩机性能的影响,基于实际微型滚动转子压缩机参数,采用VOF多相流模型模拟了压缩腔内制冷剂R290和润滑油PAG32的混合流动过程,重点揭示了油膜在径向间隙通道中动态变化的特性,研究分析了不同径向间隙和转速对油膜密封角的具体影响.结果表明,径向间隙从35 μm减小至10 μm时,油膜的最大密封角从14°增加至42°,较小的径向间隙有利于形成更大的油膜密封角,并且油膜能够保持较长时间,显著减少了气体泄漏量;转速从2000 r/min提升至4000 r/min时,油膜的最大密封角从31°增加至43°,较高的转速有助于压缩机在排气阶段形成更大的油膜密封角,但转子壁面速度的增加,显著加剧了由壁面剪切力引起的径向泄漏,导致总泄漏质量流量增大.研究结果可为滚动转子压缩机的设计开发提供参考.

In order to solve the problem that the oil film length is regarded as a constant value when the radial gap leakage in the rolling rotor compressor is routinely calculated,the influence of the oil film length on the compressor performance is deeply discussed.Based on the actual parameters of the micro rolling rotor compressor,the mixed flow process of refrigerant R290 and lubricating oil PAG32 in the compression chamber was simulated by using the VOF multiphase flow model,and the dynamic change characteristics of the oil film in the radial gap channel were emphatically revealed,and the specific effects of different radial clearance and rotation speed on the sealing angle of the oil film were studied and analyzed.The results show that when the radial clearance decreases from 35 μm to 10 μm,the maximum sealing angle of the oil film increases from 14° to 42°,and the smaller radial clearance is conducive to the formation of a larger oil film sealing angle,and the oil film can be maintained for a longer time,which significantly reduces the gas leakage.The rotational speed was increased from 2000 r/min to 4000 r/min,and the maximum sealing angle of the oil film was increased from 31° to 43°,and the higher speed helped to form a larger oil film sealing angle during the exhaust phase of the compressor,but the increase of the rotor wall speed significantly exacerbated the radial leakage caused by the wall shear force,resulting in an increase in the total leakage mass flow.The research results can provide a reference for the design and development of rolling rotor compressors.


华中科技大学 能源与动力工程学院,武汉 430074合肥通用机械研究院有限公司,合肥 230031中国舰船研究设计中心,武汉 430064合肥通用机械研究院有限公司,合肥 230031华中科技大学 能源与动力工程学院,武汉 430074



oil film sealing angleradial clearancescroll compressorgas leakagecompressor speed

《流体机械》 2024 (11)



