Analysis of Induced over Voltage and Suppression Measures of Ground Ice Melting in Double Circuit DC Line on One Tower Based on Ion Current Effect
针对某±500 kV同塔双回直流输电线路,在"一回停运、一回运行"工况下进行停运线路地线融冰时,感应电压过大导致融冰装置故障、自动接线装置和避雷器击穿受损情况,研究建立了静电耦合和空间离子流效应综合作用的停运线路过电压计算模型.按6种工况计算分析了带电运行回路导线不同起晕电压时在停运线路上感应的过电压水平,同时综合考虑过电压抑制水平和线路能量,提出了加装5 kΩ接地高阻的过电压抑制措施,可实现将超过100 kV感应电压抑制到20 kV以下,并经实际线路融冰操作,验证了其有效性.
In view of the ice melting of the ground wire of the deactivated line of a±500 kV double-circuit DC transmission line with the same tower,when the ground wire of the deactivated line is melted under the condition of"one shutdown and the other operating",the failure of the ice melting device and the breakdown of the automatic wiring device and the lightning arrester caused by excessive induced voltage are studied.According to the calculation and analysis of 6 working conditions,the overvoltage level induced on the shutdown line when the corona initiation voltage of the live running circuit conductor is calculated,and the overvoltage suppression level and line energy are comprehensively considered,and the overvoltage suppression measures with 5 kΩ grounding high resistance are proposed,which can realize the induction voltage of more than 100 kV to less than 20 kV,and the effectiveness is verified by the actual line ice melting operation.
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double circuit on one towerDC transmission lineground wire ice meltingion currentinduced overvoltagesuppres-sion measures
《南方电网技术》 2024 (10)
国家自然科学基金资助项目(52107028)中国南方电网有限责任公司科技项目(CGYKJXM20220118). Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(52107028)the Science and Technology Project of China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.(CGYKJXM20220118).