

Eurasian land surface variable anomalies during winter and spring driven by Arctic Oscillation and associated mechanisms


北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,AO)作为北半球冬季中高纬度大气环流年际变率的主模态,是气候可预测性的重要来源之一.然而,AO对中高纬度地表温度、土壤湿度、积雪等陆面特征变量的影响缺乏系统研究.本文基于ERA5和ERA5-Land再分析资料,通过回归分析和物理过程诊断,揭示了AO对冬春欧亚陆面变量的影响规律和机理.结果发现:伴随正位相的AO,欧亚地表温度呈现南北偶极型分布,即欧亚北部地表异常增暖,而欧亚南部地表异常变冷;而积雪和土壤湿度异常则总体呈现南北向三极型空间分布,即中纬度地区积雪覆盖和雪深异常减小、土壤异常干燥,而高纬度地区雪深异常增加、土壤异常湿润,低纬度地区积雪覆盖和雪深异常增加、土壤异常湿润.AO相关的大气环流异常主导的异常水汽输送驱动了上述欧亚陆面变量异常的形成.欧亚北部(南部)水汽的异常辐合(辐散)引起整层水汽和云量增加(减少),导致向下长波辐射增加(减少),使得北部(南部)地区地表异常增暖(变冷).同时,异常水汽输送引起的降雪和降水异常导致了积雪和土壤湿度异常空间分布的形成.水汽的异常辐散(辐合)引起降雪或降水减少(增加),导致了欧亚中纬度地区(高纬和低纬度)积雪覆盖、雪深、融雪和土壤湿度异常减少(增加).此外,AO驱动的积雪覆盖异常通过冰雪反照率反馈加剧了青藏高原地表温度异常.

As the leading mode of wintertime atmospheric circulation interannual variability in the mid-to-high latitudes of Northern Hemisphere,the Arctic Oscillation(AO)can serve as a crucial source of climate predictability.However,its effects on land surface variables such as surface temperature,soil moisture and snow cover lack a thorough investigation.The impact of AO on land surface variables in Eurasia and associated mechanisms were examined,via regression analysis and diagnosing physical processes based on the datasets of ERA5 and ERA5-Land reanalysis.The main results are as follows:during a positive phase of AO,anomalous land surface warming(cooling)occurs in northern(southern)Eurasia,characterized by a meridional dipole pattern.Meanwhile,snow cover/depth and soil moisture anomalies feature a meridional tripole pattern,that is,decreased snow cover/depth and soil moisture are observed in the most of mid-latitude regions of Eurasia while increased snow cover/depth and soil moisture occurs in the high-latitude and low-latitude regions.It was further found that anomalous water vapor transports induced by the AO-related atmospheric circulation anomalies dominate the formation of those land surface variable anomalies.Anomalous land surface warming(cooling)in northern(southern)Eurasia mainly are caused by increased(decreased)downward long-wave radiation due to the increase(decrease)of water vapor and clouds which result from anomalous convergence(divergence)of water vapor transport in northern(southern)Eurasia.Meanwhile,anomalous precipitation in the form of snowfall or rainfall resulting from anomalous water vapor transport explains the snow cover/depth and soil moisture anomalies.Decreased(increased)snowfall or rainfall resulting from anomalous divergence(convergence)of water vapor transport cause decreased(increased)snow cover/depth,snowmelt and soil moisture in mid-latitude Eurasia(high and low latitude Eurasia).In addition,AO-driven snow cover anomaly tends to amplify the land surface temperature anomaly in Tibetan Plateau through snow-albedo feedback.


南京大学大气科学学院/中国气象局气候预测研究重点开放实验室,南京 210023南京大学大气科学学院/中国气象局气候预测研究重点开放实验室,南京 210023



Arctic OscillationEurasian land surface processeswater vapor transportskin temperaturesnow coversoil moisture

《气象科学》 2024 (5)



