Two pathways of the impact of the North Atlantic SSTA on East Asian climate in the seasonal-annual hindcasts
本文基于 1980-2005年ENSEMBLES(Ensemble-based Predictions of Climate Changes and their Impact)季节—年际多模式历史回报数据和20世纪耦合季节预测(CSF-20C)回报数据的月平均海温、地表气温、降水、风场及位势高度场资料,利用依赖月份的集合成员间奇异值分解方法研究了北大西洋海温异常影响东亚气候的两种途径.结果表明,春、夏季热带北大西洋海温暖异常与西南风异常密切耦合,暖中心由春至夏季加强西移,该暖海温异常能够激发东传的Kelvin,造成夏季西北太平洋异常反气旋显著增强,促进了中南半岛北部、日本南部及我国南方大部的降水增长.而中高纬度北大西洋海温在春季呈现东北暖、西南冷的偶极子型异常,该海温异常通过与风场的强烈耦合,激发了遥相关波列,影响乌拉尔山阻塞高压及东亚大槽,造成东北亚地区的低压异常,导致了朝鲜半岛、日本大部及我国东部的气温降低.
By using the monthly mean Sea Surface Temperature(SST),near surface air temperature,precipitation,wind and geopotential height data of the ENSEMBLES and Coupled Seasonal Forecasts of the 20th Century(CSF-20C)seasonal-annual hindcasts from 1980 to 2005,two pathways of the impact of North Atlantic SSTA on East Asian climate were studied.Results show that the tropical North Atlantic SSTAs are coupled closely with the southwest wind anomaly in spring and summer,with the warming center strengthening and moving westward.The SST warming stimulates the eastward Kelvin wave,which causes the significant enhancement of the western North Pacific anticyclone in summer,and increases the precipitation in northern Indo-China Peninsula,southern Japan and most of southern China.However,the SSTAs of mid-high latitude North Atlantic exhibit a dipole in spring,with SST warming in the northeast and cooling in the southwest.The SSTA stimulates the teleconnection wave through the strong coupling with the wind,affecting the Ural Blocking High and East Asian trough,which causes a low pressure anomaly in Northeast Asia,and promotes a decrease in air temperature over the Korean Peninsula,Japan and eastern China.
南京信息工程大学,南京 210044南京信息工程大学,南京 210044
North AtlanticEast Asian climateair-sea interactionseasonal-annual hindcasts
《气象科学》 2024 (5)