

Analysis of short-time heavy precipitation during Typhoon"In-Fa"based on new detection data


利用再分析格点资料,风廓线雷达、微波辐射计、雨滴谱仪、S和X波段双偏振雷达等多源探测资料,分别从形势背景和降水精细结构特征等不同尺度,分析台风"烟花"造成南京短时强降水的成因,并探索新型探测资料在提升短期临近预报能力中的应用.结果表明:(1)有利的气旋组织结构、环境风场、水汽传输、环流形势为短时强降水产生提供大尺度背景条件.迅速发展的边界层急流和强垂直风速切变,以及逆温对两者的正反馈作用,触发了短时强降水.增强的水汽密度和云水含量、增厚的饱和湿层,有利于降水的维持.高数浓度小雨滴经暖雨过程后,生成了较低数浓度、形状规则、纯液态的中—大粒径雨滴,导致雨强的增强,回波呈低云顶、低质心、较高反射率强度的特征.(2)新型探测资料对预判此次短时强降水的产生和强度体现出较好指示作用,温湿风廓线提前1.5~4 h表征了风暴组织结构的增强,微物理参量提前0.5 h预示了降水的强度和性质.(3)X波段雷达探测的强降水回波强度弱、范围小、衰减明显,但可以获取边界层以下云水粒子的微物理特征,与S波段雷达配合可以有效提升低层的监测能力.

This paper used high-resolution gridded datasets and observation data from a matrix of automatic detection equipment,including national meteorological stations,wind profile radars,microwave radiometer,laser precipitation particle spectrometer,and S-and X-band dual-polarization Doppler radar,to analyze the causes of the short-time heavy precipitation in Nanjing brought on by Typhoon"In-Fa"(2106)from various scales and further discuss the applications of varied detection equipment in improving the capability of short-time forecasts and nowcasting.Results show that:(1)the background circumstances for the generation of short-time heavy precipitation were favorable due to the storm wind structure,environmental vertical wind shear,vapor transport,saddle-field pattern,and symmetric tropical cyclone circulation.Enhanced water vapor density,strengthened cloud water content,a thickening saturated wet layer,and rapidly developing strong boundary layer low-level jet and vertical wind shear in interaction with inversion temperature triggered and sustained the severe precipitation.The generation of lower concentration,regular-shaped,medium-large size pure liquid raindrops after the warm rain collision and coalescence process with a high concentration of small raindrops resulted in the generation of short duration intense precipitation with low echo mass,strong intensity,and high precipitation efficiency.(2)The formation and intensity of heavy precipitation were efficiently indicated using new-sounding data.The enhanced storm organization structure was characterized by the temperature,humidity,and wind vertical profile about 1.5-4 h in advance,and the micro-physical parameters predicted the intensity and features of precipitation with a lead-time of 0.5 h.(3)Although the echoes of heavy precipitation obtained by X-band radar were weak in intensity,short in range,and obviously attenuated,it was still possible to gather information about the microphysical properties of cloud-water particles below the boundary layer,which can significantly improve the ability to monitor the lower layers in conjunction with S-band radar.


南京市江宁区气象局,南京 211199南京市气象局,南京 210019南京市气象局,南京 210019山东省气象防灾减灾重点实验室,济南 250031||山东省气象台,济南 250031舟山市气象局,浙江舟山 316000



typhoonshort-time heavy precipitationwind profile radarmicrowave radiometerlaser precipitation particle spectrometerdual polarization doppler radarforecast lead time

《气象科学》 2024 (5)



