Analysis and numerical simulation of cold air and dry air invasion characteristics of Typhoon"Lekima"(1909)
Based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the invasion characteristics of dry air and cold air of super Typhoon"Lekima"in 2019 were analyzed and the WRF model was used for numerical simulation.Results show that the cold and warm air mainly confronts on the west side of the typhoon,the cold air in the lower layer gradually surrounds the typhoon from the northwest side with the rotation of the typhoon trough and the westerly trough,as the warm ridge behind the trough moves eastward,the cold air behind the middle and upper troughs is gradually filling,the cold air in the lower layer is more obvious.Dry air is distributed to the west of the typhoon,the middle and upper dry air intrudes typhoon circulation from the south and destroyed typhoon warm core structure,leading to enhanced typhoon asymmetry and typhoon gradually degeneration.The numerical experiment shows that the decrease of cold air intensity has obvious influence on precipitation area,typhoon intensity.The location and intensity of the confrontation between warm and cold air corresponded well with the precipitation area and intensity.The invasion of cold air is slower,the temperature gradient decreases and the large value region is to the west.The dynamic conditions of convergence at lower levels and divergence at higher levels become worse,which leads to a westerly distribution of rain bands.The cold air affects the westerly trough and jet intensity at first,causing the change of the thermal and dynamic structure outside the typhoon,and then gradually affects the internal structure of the typhoon,leading to the change of typhoon intensity.In the early stage of the simulation,the dry air is continuously lost due to the water vapor during the rotation.At the later stage of simulation,after the dry air invasion intensity weakened,the damage to middle and high level structures weakened and the speed of typhoon degeneration slowed down.
山东省气象防灾减灾重点实验室,济南 250031||山东省气象科学研究所,济南 250031山东省气象防灾减灾重点实验室,济南 250031||山东省气象科学研究所,济南 250031山东省气象防灾减灾重点实验室,济南 250031||山东省气象科学研究所,济南 250031
typhoonLekimacold airdry airnumerical simulation
《气象科学》 2024 (5)