

Effects of nitrogen application on growth,yield,and grain quality of spring maize under drought condi-tions


为明确干旱条件下施氮对春玉米生长发育、产量和籽粒品质的影响,以"丹玉405"为试验材料,在春玉米拔节和抽雄两个关键发育期开展中度干旱胁迫(相对湿度45%±5%)与120、240和270 kg·hm-2的氮添加交互试验,分析春玉米生长发育、产量结构、籽粒品质对干旱和施氮交互作用的响应.结果表明:与水分适宜无施氮的对照处理相比,拔节期干旱条件下施氮导致春玉米株高、果穗长、秃尖比、氨基酸、粗蛋白增加,叶面积指数、生物量、果穗粗、百粒重、理论产量、籽粒含水量、脂肪、淀粉降低;抽雄期干旱条件下,施氮对春玉米各指标影响与拔节期基本一致,但果穗长呈现降低;与拔节期干旱下施氮处理相比,抽雄期各处理导致叶面积指数、秃尖比、籽粒含水量、脂肪、淀粉、氨基酸和粗蛋白增加,分别平均增加18.5%、116.7%、4.9%、8.6%、1.4%、8.8%和28.0%,株高、生物量、果穗长、果穗粗、百粒重和理论产量降低,分别平均降低2.9%、2.4%、20.1%、7.7%、4.3%和40.8%;干旱条件下,随着施氮量增加,株高、生物量、果穗长、秃尖比、籽粒含水量、淀粉整体呈增加的趋势,叶面积指数、果穗粗、百粒重、理论产量、脂肪、氨基酸、粗蛋白整体呈下降趋势;春玉米产量要素与籽粒品质呈负相关,干旱条件下施氮处理对玉米产量有抑制作用,但却使籽粒品质有一定的提升.研究结果可为辽宁春玉米的生产管理和逆境调控提供科学依据.

To clarify the effects of nitrogen application on the growth,yield,and grain quality of spring maize under drought conditions,an experiment was conducted under moderate drought stress(relative moisture 45%±5%)and four nitrogen addition levels of 0,120,240 and 270 kg·hm-2 at the two key developmental stages(jointing and tasseling)of spring maize(cultivar Danyu 405).We analyzed the responses of spring maize growth,yield compo-nent and grain quality to the interaction of drought and nitrogen application.The results showed that compared with the control treatment of suitable water and no nitrogen application,nitrogen application under drought during the jointing stage increased plant height,ear length,bald tip ratio,amino acids content,and crude protein content of spring maize,while decreased leaf area index,biomass,ear diameter,100-kernel weight,theoretical yield,grain water content,fat content,and starch content of spring maize.The effects of nitrogen application under drought dur-ing the tasseling stage were similar to that during the jointing stage,but with negative impact on ear length.Com-pared with the nitrogen application under drought during the jointing stage,leaf area index,bald tip ratio,grain water content,fat,starch,amino acids,and crude protein content were increased by 18.5%,116.7%,4.9%,8.6%,1.4%,8.8%,and 28.0%during the tasseling stage,respectively,while plant height,biomass,ear length,ear diameter,100-kernel weight,and theoretical yield were decreased by 2.9%,2.4%,20.1%,7.7%,4.3%,and 40.8%,respectively.With increasing nitrogen application levels under drought,plant height,biomass,ear length,bald tip ratio,grain water content,and starch content increased,while leaf area index,ear diameter,100-kernel weight,theoretical yield,fat,amino acids,and crude protein content decreased.The yield components of spring maize were negatively correlated with grain quality.Nitrogen application had an inhibitory effect on maize yield under drought,but improved grain quality to a certain extent.Our results provide scientific basis for the production management and stress control of spring maize in Liaoning Province.


中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,沈阳 110166||辽宁省人工影响天气办公室,沈阳 110166中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,沈阳 110166||辽宁省农业气象灾害重点实验室,沈阳 110166辽宁省气象局财务核算中心,沈阳 110166辽宁省人工影响天气办公室,沈阳 110166沈北新区气象局,沈阳 110000


droughtnitrogen applicationgrowthyield componentgrain quality

《生态学杂志》 2024 (011)

3291-3299 / 9


