Establishment of an in vitro Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation System using Lonicera hypoglauca and Content Assessment of Total Flavonoids and Chlorogenic Acid
菰腺忍冬是一种传统的中药材.本研究首次以菰腺忍冬嫩叶为外植体,建立了其体外快速繁殖和再生体系.结果表明,外植体消毒的最佳时间为8 min;外植体诱导愈伤组织的最佳培养基为MS+2,4-D 4.0 mg·L-1+蔗糖30 g·L-1,平均诱导率为86.67%;诱导愈伤组织分化为芽的最佳培养基为MS+6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+NAA 0.10 mg·L-1+蔗糖30 g·L-1,平均发芽率为83.33%.诱导芽增殖的最佳培养基为MS+6-BA 1.5 mg·L-1+NAA 0.05 mg·L-1+蔗糖30 g·L-1,增殖系数为5.42.生根的最佳培养基为1/2 MS+NAA 0.15 mg·L-1+活性炭0.3 g·L-1+蔗糖15 g·L-1,平均生根率为91.11%.再生植株幼苗在营养土壤培养基中的存活率高达 100%.外植体、愈伤组织和再生植株中的总黄酮和绿原酸含量分别为1.83%、2.27%、1.33%和2.77%、1.83%、1.74%.本研究为菰腺忍冬再生植株的工业化快速繁殖和大规模生产提供了新的见解,具有良好的应用价值和未来前景.
Lonicera hypoglauca is a traditional Chinese medicinal plant.In this study,the tender young leaves of L.hypoglauca were used for the first time as the explants to establish a rapid in vitro propagation and regeneration system.The results revealed that the optimal time for disinfection of the explants was 8 min and the optimal medium for callus induction was MS+2,4-D 4.0 mg·L-1+sucrose 30 g·L-1,with an average callus induction rate of 86.67%.The optimal medium to induce differentiation of callus to bud was MS+6-BA 1.0 mg·L-1+NAA 0.10 mg·L-1+sucrose 30 g·L-1,with an average germination rate of 83.33%.The optimal medium to induce multiplication was MS+6-BA 1.5 mg·L-1+NAA 0.05 mg·L-1+sucrose 30 g·L-1,with a multiplication coefficient of 5.42.The optimal medium for root induction was 1/2 MS+NAA 0.15 mg·L-1+activated carbon 0.3 g·L-1+sucrose 15 g·L-1,with an average rooting rate of 91.11%.The survival rate of tissue-cultured seedlings in nutrient soil cultivation medium was as high as 100%.The total flavonoid content and chlorogenic acid content in the explant,callus tissue and regenerated plant were 1.83%,2.27%,1.33%and 2.77%,1.83%,1.74%respectively.This study provides novel insights into the rapid propagation and mass production of L.hypoglauca seedlings at an industrial scale and that it exhibits important application value and future prospects.
何朵秀;张志勇;Chris Rey LITUANAS
湖南医药学院总医院,湖南 怀化 418000湖南医药学院医学信息与工程学院,湖南 怀化 418000中棉兰老大学生物系,菲律宾 马拉马格 8710
Lonicera hypoglaucarapid propagation systemtissue culturetotal flavonoidschlorogenic acid
《亚热带植物科学》 2024 (4)