

Quantitative Analysis of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf Color with Row Spacing and Density Configuration


为了明确不同行距(R1,110 cm和R2,120 cm)和种植密度(D1,16500株·hm-2 和D2,19500 株·hm-2)配置对烤烟烟叶颜色的影响,通过色差仪测定各处理初烤烟叶正面和背面颜色参数.结果表明,与R1相比,R2显著降低叶背面明度均匀度值(ΔL1)、红度值(a)和色差均匀度值(ΔE1).与D1相比,D2显著提高烟叶明度值(L)、叶尖和叶中的黄度值(b)、黄度差值(Δb)、红度差值(Δa)和叶正面黄度均匀度值(Δb1),显著降低了色相角(H).行距和种植密度互作中,R2D2的L显著高于R1D1.R1D1叶正面a显著高于R1D2,R1D2的Δa显著低于其他处理.R1D1和R1D2的Δb著低于R2D2,R1D1 的Δb1 显著低于R2D2.R2D2 的叶正面ΔE1 显著低于其他处理,R2D1 和R2D2 叶背面的ΔE1 显著低于R1D2.R1D1的H显著高于R1D2 和R2D2.由此可见,120 cm行距与种植密度16500株·hm-2 的配置有利于百色河谷烟区初烤烟叶的a、b、均匀度和H的提高,促进了该区烟叶高外观质量的形成.

In order to clarify the influence of different row spacing and planting density configurations on the color of flue-cured tobacco leaves,the color parameters of front and dorsal of flue-cured tobacco leaves under different row spacing(R1,110 cm and R2,120 cm)and planting density(D1,16500 plants·hm-2 and D2,19500 plants·hm-2)were measured by a color difference meter.The results showed that compared to R1,the color parameters of R2 were significantly decreased such as the brightness uniformity value(ΔL1),redness value(a)and color difference uniformity value(ΔE1).Compared with D1,the color parameters of R2 were significantly increased such as brightness value(L),yellowness value(b)in leaf tip and middle,yellowness difference(Δb),redness difference(Δa)and yellowness uniformity value(Δb1)in front of leaf,while hue angle(H)of D2 was significantly decreased.In the interaction between row spacing and planting density,L of R2D2 was significantly higher than that of R1D1.a of R1D1 was significantly higher than that of R1D2 in front of leaf,and Δa of R1D2 was significantly lower than that of other treatments.Δb of R1D1 and R1D2 was significantly lower than that of R2D2,while the Δb1 of R1D1 was significantly lower than that of R2D2.ΔE1 of R2D2 was significantly lower than that of other treatments in front of leaf,and the ΔE1 of R2D1 and R2D2 in dorsal of leaf was significantly lower than that of R1D2.The H of R1D1 was significantly higher than that of R1D2 and R2D2.In conclusion,the arrangement of 120 cm row spacing and planting density of 16500 plants·hm-2 was conducive to the improvement of a,b,uniformity and H of primary flue-cured tobacco leaves,and promotes the formation of high appearance quality tobacco leaves in Baise Valley tobacco area.


广西中烟工业有限责任公司,广西 南宁 530001广西壮族自治区烟草公司百色市公司,广西 百色 533000广西壮族自治区烟草公司百色市公司,广西 百色 533000广西壮族自治区烟草公司百色市公司,广西 百色 533000广西壮族自治区烟草公司百色市公司,广西 百色 533000广西中烟工业有限责任公司,广西 南宁 530001安徽农业大学农学院,安徽 合肥 230036中国科学技术大学,安徽 合肥 230051安徽农业大学农学院,安徽 合肥 230036



flue-cured tobaccorow spacingplanting densitycolorchromatic aberration

《亚热带植物科学》 2024 (4)



