

Effect of Number and Time of Terminal Leaves Removal on Yield and Quality of Upper Leaf of Flue-cured Tobacco


为提高上部叶的可用性,优化烟叶结构,本试验以云烟 87 上部叶为试验材料,研究不同去顶叶数量与时间对烤烟农艺性状、经济性状、化学成分、物理特性、评吸质量的影响.结果表明:(1)与不去叶相比,去顶叶处理能促进上部叶叶长、叶宽、叶面积的增加.(2)去顶叶数量与时间均对上等烟率、中上等烟率、杂色烟率、产量有显著影响;不去叶处理的产量、产值最高,打顶时去顶叶3片处理的上等烟率、均价最高.(3)去顶叶数量与时间均对烟碱、总氮、淀粉、钾离子、糖碱比存在显著影响,其互作效应对烟碱、总氮、总糖、还原糖、氮碱比存在显著影响;不去叶处理的化学成分最协调,中部叶第二炕采收时去顶叶2片次之.(4)顶叶去除数量仅对厚度、拉力与单叶重存在显著影响,去顶叶时间与互作效应均对物理特性各指标有显著影响,在中部叶第二炕采收时去顶叶能够使物理特性更优.(5)评吸质量以中部叶第二炕采收时去顶叶2片的综合评价得分最高.综合来看,在中部叶第二炕采收时去顶叶2片有利于上部叶产质量的提高与改善.

To optimize the tobacco structure and increase the availability of the upper leaves,the upper leaves of Yunyan 87 were used as the test material to study the effects of different quantities and times of removing the top leaves on the agronomic and economic traits of roasted cigarettes,as well as their chemical composition,physical characteristics and smoking quality.The results were as followed.(1)Compared to no defoliation,the defoliation treatment promotes an increase in leaf length,leaf width,and leaf area of the upper leaves.(2)Both the number and time of removing the top leaves had a significant effect on the rate of top-quality smoke,the rate of medium top-quality smoke,the rate of miscellaneous coloured smoke,and the yield;the yield and production value of the treatment without removing the leaves were the highest,and the rate of top-quality smoke and the average price were the highest in the treatment of removing one piece of top leaf at the time of topping.(3)There were significant effects of both the number and time of removing the top leaves on nicotine,total nitrogen,starch,potassium ions,and sugar-alkali ratios,and their reciprocal effects on nicotine,total nitrogen,total sugars,reducing sugars,and nitrogen-alkali ratios;the chemical compositions were most harmonised in the no-leaf treatment,followed by the removal of two top leaves at the second harvest of the central leaves at the time of harvesting.(4)The number of top leaves removed only had a significant effect on thickness,tensile strength and weight of a single leaf,while the time of removing the top leaves and the interaction effect had a significant effect on the indicators of physical properties,and removing the top leaves in the second bed of the central leaf harvesting could make the physical properties better.(5)The highest score in the comprehensive evaluation of suction quality was obtained by removing 2 pieces of top leaves at the second bed harvesting of the middle leaves.On the whole,removing 2 pieces of top leaves at the second bed harvesting of the middle leaves is favourable to the improvement of the yield quality of the upper leaves.


贵州大学农学院,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州省烟草公司黔东南州公司,贵州 凯里 556000贵州省烟草公司黔东南州公司,贵州 凯里 556000贵州大学烟草学院,贵州 贵阳 550025



flue-cured tobaccoupper leavestobacco qualitytime of terminal leaves removalnumber of terminal leaves removal

《亚热带植物科学》 2024 (4)



