Design and experiment of continuous automatic injection device for grass carp vaccine
草鱼疫苗注射主要依靠人工注射,具有劳动强度大、注射效率低、注射位置非标准化和注射精准度差等缺点,严重制约水产养殖的发展.根据草鱼疫苗注射特点,制定了疫苗自动注射作业策略,通过开展鱼苗姿态自动识别与快速调整、注射工位自动分配、鱼体输送与拨杆LS-DYNA动力学仿真分析、鱼体柔性固定与快速注射等技术研究,研制了疫苗自动注射样机,以 100~120 mm长的草鱼鱼苗为自动注射对象进行试验.结果显示:草鱼疫苗自动注射装置产量约为 900 尾/h,试验鱼苗注射疫苗后 3 周内的存活率达到 98.3%,存活率较人工疫苗注射提高 4 个百分点.该装置实现了草鱼幼苗的高效连续注射,提高了水产养殖装备自动化水平,对纺锤形鱼幼苗的连续注射均具有参考意义,具有较高应用价值与经济效益.
The injection of grass carp vaccine mainly relies on manual injection,which has some disadvantages such as high labor intensity,low injection efficiency,non-standard injection location and poor injection accuracy,which seriously restricts aquaculture development.This paper analyzes the research progress of fish vaccine injection at home and abroad,and formulates the operation strategy of automatic vaccine injection according to the characteristics of grass carp vaccine injection.Using the head and tail orientation device,the consistent attitude adjustment of the fry was realized.The light vision sensor was used to realize the fast identification of the belly and the back of the fish and the automatic allocation of the injection station.A rotary fishing rod was designed,and the stress and speed changes in the fishing process were simulated by LS-DYNA dynamic simulation.The technology of flexible fixation and rapid injection of the fish body was studied,and the automatic injection device of the vaccine was designed to complete a series of actions of flexible press,injection and return in sequence.The technical problems such as the inconsistency of body shape,the automatic assignment of the station and the speed matching of rotating fish were solved.Based on the above technology,a continuous automatic injection device for grass carp vaccine was designed,and a prototype for automatic injection of the vaccine was developed.Through the production experiment,the young grass carp 100-120 mm long was selected as the object of automatic injection.The results showed that the output of the automatic injection device was about 900 fish/h.The survival rate of juvenile fish within 3 weeks after injection was 98.3%,was 4%higher than that of artificial vaccine injection.The research results can realize efficient continuous injection of grass carp seedlings,improve the automation level of aquaculture equipment,and have a reference significance for continuous injection of fusiform fish seedlings,with high application value and economic benefits.
automatic injectionvaccine of grass carpvaccinationaquaculture machines
《渔业现代化》 2024 (6)