

Development and application of a lifting and cleaning type water quality sensor control device


为突破水质传感器普遍存在因长期浸泡水中而导致检测灵敏度下降和准确率降低等技术瓶颈,研制了一种升降清洗式水质传感器管控装置.该装置采用Arduino UNO R3 作为主控板,结合SIM7020 NB-IoT模块和HC-05 蓝牙模块,并基于Blynk平台开发移动端应用软件,用户可以通过手机实时查看和控制设备的运行状态,实现装置的远程和近距离双模式控制.传感器支架设计为可更换结构,能够灵活配置和调节传感器的摆放位置,通过自动化升降和清洗机制,装置能够定期清除传感器探头表面的污垢,确保数据的准确性和传感器的长期稳定运行.选取水质pH和溶氧传感器进行该装置的应用对比测试.结果显示:使用该装置的pH检测传感器的检测数值与采用国标法的pH检测仪检测数值的平均相对误差仅 2.13%,而未使用该装置的平均相对误差高达 9.51%,具有显著差异(P<0.05);使用该装置的溶氧检测传感器的检测数值与采用国标碘量法检测数值的平均相对误差仅 3.09%,而未使用该装置的平均相对误差高达 10.92%,具有显著差异(P<0.05).研究表明,该装置具有体积较小,系统运行稳定,探头清洗干净和适用场景广的优点,具有良好的推广和应用价值.

To overcome the technical bottlenecks commonly found in water quality monitoring sensors,such as decreased detection sensitivity and accuracy due to prolonged immersion in water,a lifting and cleaning control device for water quality sensors was developed.This device uses an Arduino UNO R3 as the main control board,combined with the SIM7020 NB-IoT module and HC-05 Bluetooth module.A mobile application was developed based on the Blynk platform,allowing users to monitor and control the device's operation in real-time via smartphone,achieving both remote and local dual-mode control.The sensor bracket is designed as a replaceable structure,enabling flexible configuration and adjustment of the sensor's placement.Through an automated lifting and cleaning mechanism,the device can periodically remove dirt from the sensor probe's surface,ensuring data accuracy and the long-term stable operation of the sensors.pH and dissolved oxygen sensors were selected for comparative testing of this device.The results showed that the average relative error of the pH sensor using this device compared to the standard method pH meter was only 2.13%,while the average relative error without the device was as high as 9.51%,showing a significant difference(P<0.05).The average relative error of the dissolved oxygen sensor using this device compared to the standard iodometric method was only 3.09%,while the average relative error without the device was as high as 10.92%,also showing a significant difference(P<0.05).This device has the advantages of a small size,stable system operation,thorough cleaning of the probe,and wide applicability,providing good potential for promotion and application.


集美大学水产学院,福建 厦门 361021||鳗鲡现代产业技术教育部工程研究中心,福建 厦门 361021集美大学水产学院,福建 厦门 361021||鳗鲡现代产业技术教育部工程研究中心,福建 厦门 361021集美大学水产学院,福建 厦门 361021||鳗鲡现代产业技术教育部工程研究中心,福建 厦门 361021



water qualityaquaculturewater quality sensorsintelligent control devices

《渔业现代化》 2024 (6)



