

Establishment of Process Rainfall Indices of Soybean Waterlogging in Heilongjiang Province


为定量评估黑龙江省大豆渍害灾损程度,本文以黑龙江省为研究区域,大豆为研究对象,基于研究区75个气象站1961-2022年长时间序列大豆渍害历史资料、降水量资料及27个农业气象站1980-2022年大豆生育期资料,利用柯尔莫哥罗夫-斯米尔诺夫检验及置信区间阈值法,构建黑龙江省大豆关键生育期渍害过程雨量等级指标,通过预留的渍害样本进行指标验证,同时分析研究区大豆渍害时空分布特征.结果表明:降水过程在1~5 d范围内大豆轻、中、重度渍害雨量下限值,出苗~三真叶期分别为53,86和111 mm,开花~结荚期分别为62,95和113 mm;降水过程6~7 d大豆轻、中、重度渍害雨量下限值,出苗~三真叶期分别为90,113和147 mm,开花~结荚期分别为97,119和140 mm.黑龙江省大豆渍害平均发生次数高值区主要位于中部、东北部、南部和西部局部地区,1981、1984、1985、1991、1994、1998、2012、2013、2017和2019年发生较多.指标验证结果及大豆渍害时空分布特征与历史灾情记录较吻合.研究结果对黑龙江省大豆安全生产具有重要意义.

In order to quantitatively assess damage degree of soybean waterlogging in Heilongjiang province,this paper took Heilongjiang province as the research area and soybean as the research object.Based on historical data of soybean waterlogging in long time series,precipitation data of 75 meteorological stations in the study area during 1961 to 2022,and data of soybean growth period of 27 agricultural meteorological stations from 1980 to 2022,Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and confidence interval threshold method were used to establish grade indices of process rainfall of waterlogging at the key growth period of soybean in Heilongjiang province,and the indices were verified by using reserved waterlogging samples.Meanwhile,spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of soybean waterlogging in the study area were analyzed.The results showed that when rainy days were within 1-5,the lower rainfall limits of mild,moderate and severe waterlogging were 53,86 and 111 mm at the stages of seedling emergence and three true leaves;and 62,95 and 113 mm at the stages of flowering and podding,respectively.When rainy days were within 6-7,the lower rainfall limits of mild,moderate and severe waterlogging were 90,113 and 147 mm at the stages of seedling emergence and three true leaves;and 97,119 and 140 mm at the stages of flowering and podding,respectively.The areas with high average frequency of soybean waterlogging in Heilongjiang province were mainly located in central,northeastern,southern and part of western regions,and more occurrences were in 1981,1984,1985,1991,1994,1998,2012,2013,2017 and 2019.The results of index verification and spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of soybean waterlogging were in good agreement with historical disaster records.The results were of great significance to safety production of soybean in Heilongjiang province.


黑龙江省气象科学研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030黑龙江省气象科学研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030黑龙江省气象科学研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030黑龙江省气象科学研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030


soybeangrowth periodwaterloggingprocess rainfallgrade indices

《大豆科学》 2024 (6)



