

Analysis of the Impact of Climatic Factors on Soybean Production in Northeast China


为了定量、动态、精细地评估气候因子对大豆产量的影响,本文选取东北地区1980-2021年182个气象站5月中旬至9月下旬的旬平均气温、旬降水量、旬日照时数及大豆产量数据,基于正交多项式、积分回归原理,以旬为时间尺度,建立了基于气候因子的大豆产量动态评估模型,阐明了气候因子对大豆生产的影响效应及其贡献.结果表明:大豆营养生长期,旬平均气温、降水量、日照时数对东北地区大豆影响的产量变率,旬平均气温对吉林省大豆产量的影响最大,为-4.88~12.02 kg·hm-2;旬降水量对辽宁省大豆产量的影响最大,为-7.51~2.38 kg·hm-2;旬日照时数对黑龙江省大豆产量的影响最大,为-2.60~2.68 kg·hm-2.大豆营养和生殖生长并进期,气温对黑龙江省大豆产量的影响为显著正效应、对吉林省和辽宁省的影响为负显著效应,黑龙江省和辽宁省旬降水量影响为显著负效应,旬日照时数影响均为负效应,黑龙江省旬平均气温对产量的影响幅度最大,为3.67~11.19 kg·hm-2.大豆生殖生长期,旬平均气温、旬降水量、旬日照时数对大豆产量影响变率排序为:旬平均气温对其产量影响变率最大的是黑龙江省,为-11.20~7.11 kg·hm-2,旬降水量和旬日照时数对其产量影响变率最大的是辽宁省,分别为-6.66~2.84 kg·hm-2、-2.66~1.49 kg·hm-2.可见,基于正交多项式和积分回归方法,可动态、定量评估气候因子对大豆生产的影响效应,研究结论可为指导大豆生产提供科学依据.

In order to quantitatively and dynamically assess the impact of climate factors on soybean yield,this paper selected the 10 days average temperature,10 days precipitation,10 days sunshine hours of 182 meteorological stations in Northeast China from mid-May to late September from 1980 to 2021,as well as the corresponding county(city)soybean production data.Based on the principle of orthogonal polynomial and integral regression,ten-day data were taken as the time scale.Dynamic assessment models of soybean yield based on climate factors were established,and the effects of climate factors on soybean production and their contributions were clarified.The results showed that during the vegetative growth period of soybean,the 10 days average temperature,10 days precipitation and 10 days sunshine hours had the greatest effect on the yield variability of soybean in northeast China.The 10 days average temperature had the greatest effect on soybean yield in Jilin province,ranging from-4.88 to 12.02 kg ha-1.The 10 days precipitation had the greatest effect on Liaoning province,ranging from-7.51 to 2.38 kg·ha-1.And 10 days sunshine hours had the greatest effect on Heilongjiang,ranging from-2.60 to 2.68 kg·ha-1.During the vegetative and reproductive growth of soybeans,the effect of 10 days average temperature on soybean yield in Heilongjiang province was significantly positive,while that on Jilin and Liaoning was significantly negative.The effect of 10 days precipitation in Heilongjiang and Liaoning was significantly negative,and the effect of 10 days sunshine hours in the three provinces was significantly negative.The effect of 10 days average temperature in Heilongjiang province was the greatest,ranging from 3.67 to 11.19 kg·ha-1.During the reproductive growth period of soybean,the effect of 10 days average temperature,10 days precipitation and 10 days sunshine hours on soybean yield was ranked as follows:The influence of 10 days average temperature on yield was the largest in Heilongjiang province,ranging was-11.20 to 7.11 kg·ha-1,and that of 10 days precipitation and 10 days sunshine hours was the largest in Liaoning province,the range was-6.66 to 2.84 kg·ha-1 and-2.66 to 1.49 kg·ha-1,respectively.It can be seen that the effects of climate factors on soybean production can be evaluated dynamically and quantitatively based on orthogonal polynomial and integral regression method,and the research conclusions can provide scientific basis for guiding soybean production.


中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,辽宁沈阳 110166||哈尔滨市公共气象服务中心,黑龙江哈尔滨 150028内蒙古呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗气象局,内蒙古呼伦贝尔 021500内蒙古呼伦贝尔市新巴尔虎左旗气象局,内蒙古呼伦贝尔 021200黑龙江省气象科学研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030呼兰区气象局,黑龙江哈尔滨 150076黑龙江省气象科学研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030黑龙江省气象科学研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030黑龙江省气象科学研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030


soybean productionyield variabilityclimate effectnortheast Chinaintegral regressionquantitative assessment

《大豆科学》 2024 (6)



