首页|期刊导航|光:科学与应用(英文版)|Photon shifting and trapping in perovskite solar cells for improved efficiency and stability

Photon shifting and trapping in perovskite solar cells for improved efficiency and stabilityOACSTPCD

Photon shifting and trapping in perovskite solar cells for improved efficiency and stability

Sirazul Haque;Manuel J.Mendes;Miguel Alexandre;António T.Vicente;Kezheng Li;Christian S.Schuster;Sui Yang;Hugo Águas;Rodrigo Martins;Rute A.S.Ferreira

CENIMAT|i3N,Department of Materials Science,School of Science and Technology,NOVA University of Lisbon and CEMOP/UNINOVA,Campus de Caparica,Caparica,Portugal||Department of Physics and CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials,University of Aveiro,Campus Universitário de Santiago,Aveiro,Portugal||Materials Science and Engineering,School for Engineering of Matter Transport and Energy,Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ,USACENIMAT|i3N,Department of Materials Science,School of Science and Technology,NOVA University of Lisbon and CEMOP/UNINOVA,Campus de Caparica,Caparica,PortugalCENIMAT|i3N,Department of Materials Science,School of Science and Technology,NOVA University of Lisbon and CEMOP/UNINOVA,Campus de Caparica,Caparica,PortugalCENIMAT|i3N,Department of Materials Science,School of Science and Technology,NOVA University of Lisbon and CEMOP/UNINOVA,Campus de Caparica,Caparica,PortugalDepartment of Physics,University of York,Heslington,York,UKDepartment of Physics,University of York,Heslington,York,UKMaterials Science and Engineering,School for Engineering of Matter Transport and Energy,Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ,USACENIMAT|i3N,Department of Materials Science,School of Science and Technology,NOVA University of Lisbon and CEMOP/UNINOVA,Campus de Caparica,Caparica,PortugalCENIMAT|i3N,Department of Materials Science,School of Science and Technology,NOVA University of Lisbon and CEMOP/UNINOVA,Campus de Caparica,Caparica,PortugalDepartment of Physics and CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials,University of Aveiro,Campus Universitário de Santiago,Aveiro,Portugal

《光:科学与应用(英文版)》 2024 (11)


The work was financed by national funds from FCT(Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,I.P.)in the scope of the projects LA/P/0037/2020,UIDP/50025/2020,and UIDB/50025/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute of Nanostructures,Nanomodelling,and Nanofabrication-i3N,and the FCT,I.P.project SpaceFlex(2022.01610.PTDC),as well as by M-ECO2 project(Industrial cluster for advanced biofuel production,Ref.C644930471-00000041)co-financed by PRR-Recovery and Resilience Plan of the European Union(Next Generation EU).This work was also developed within the scope of the projects:CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials,UIDB/50011/2020,UIDP/50011/2020,and LA/P/0006/2020 financed by national funds through the FCT,I.P.(PIDDAC).S.H.acknowledges the support from FCT,I.P.through the AdvaMTech Ph.D.program scholarship PD/BD/143031/2018.S.H.and S.Y.acknowledge the support of the SRP-JRP project(non-EE046).M.A.also acknowledges the support from FCT,I.P.through the Ph.D.scholarship grant SFRH/BD/148078/2019.

