Traveler Response Pattern Classification under Feedback Information Differences:Based on Path Selection Experiments
In order to grasp the influence mechanism of traffic feedback information differences on travellers' path choice behaviours,a method for identifying and analyzing travellers' information re-sponse behaviours based on behavioural experiments and K-Means conditional probability model was proposed.Firstly,in symmetric and asymmetric dual-path road networks,experiments on path choice behaviour under three different scenarios:the feedback of partial information,comprehensive informa-tion and paid information were designed and implemented.Then,based on several possible scenarios of the constructed path choice decision variables,K-Means theory modelling and clustering were used to explore travellers' information response behaviour.The experimental results show that the system gradually converges to the user equilibrium state under different information feedback scenarios;com-pared with the comprehensive information scenario,the feedback of paid information helps the system to quickly converge to the equilibrium state and improves the stability of the system;travellers' benefit is negatively correlated with the frequency of strategy change,and this correlation tends to be even more significant in the case of asymmetric paths.There are significant individual differences in the re-sponse patterns of travellers to the information,which can be classified as positive response type,re-verse response type,inertia response type,risk aversion type,and high-risk selection type;under differ-ent feedback scenarios,the probability distributions of these five response patterns show significant differences;with the enrichment of the feedback information,the number of positive and reverse re-sponse travellers decreases gradually,and the number of risk aversion travellers increases.The study shows that the differences in feedback information scenarios and road network structure significantly affect the route choice behaviour and information response patterns of travellers.Therefore,it is partic-ularly crucial to construct a more scientific and reasonable information feedback mechanism,to effec-tively guide travelers' decision-making behavior,alleviate traffic congestion,and thus comprehensive-ly improve and optimize the operational efficiency of the entire transport system.
华东交通大学 交通运输工程学院,江西 南昌 330013华东交通大学 交通运输工程学院,江西 南昌 330013华东交通大学 交通运输工程学院,江西 南昌 330013华东交通大学 交通运输工程学院,江西 南昌 330013
urban transportationpath selection mechanismcluster analysistraveler behaviorinformation dissemination differencesbehavioral experiment
《交通运输研究》 2024 (5)