

Study on Factors Influencing the Use Intention of Autonomous Ride-Hailing Service Based on Structural Equation Modeling



In order to explore residents' willingness to use ARHS(Autonomous Ride-Hailing Service)and its influencing factors,SEM was used to conduct path analysis to reveal its potential mechanism.Under the framework of TAM and TPB,the potential variables of PR were introduced for the first time to construct a TAM-TPB-PR integrated model.Through optimizing fit indices,the model's path relationships were adjusted to establish the SEM for analyzing the intention to use ARHS.Through a combination of online and offline methods,a questionnaire survey was designed and implemented to collect the information about the socioeconomic attributes of respondents and their psychological vari-ables on ARHS.On the basis of the data collected from 500 valid questionaires,reliability and validity tests were carried out to ensure the reliability of the data and the validity of the research results.Through hypothesis testing and mediating effect testing,the relationships between psychological latent variables were clarified.An empirical study was conducted with Wuhan as the case.The analy-sis results indicate that the model demonstrates a good fit,with CMIN/DF=2.568 and RMSEA=0.056,and explains 76.2%of the total variance in the intention to use ARHS.The results of the path analysis indicate that attitude,perceived behavioral control,and subjective norms are the three most direct fac-tors influencing the intention to use ARHS,with direct effects of 0.559,0.317,and 0.122,respectively.Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are positively influenced by subjective norms and affect usage intention through attitude.Although perceived usefulness and perceived risk do not have significant direct effects on the intention to use ARHS,perceived usefulness significantly mediates intention through attitude.Based on the research findings,the following recommendations are pro-posed:governments should promote consumers' intentions to use through policy incentives and infra-structure development;enterprises should leverage smart technologies to enhance user experience and reduce risks;and the media should raise public awareness through innovative promotional strategies;collaboration among these three parties is crucial for advancing the development of ARHS.


武汉科技大学 汽车与交通工程学院,湖北 武汉 430065武汉科技大学 汽车与交通工程学院,湖北 武汉 430065



traffic managementTAM-TPB-PRSEM(Structural Equation Modeling)ARHS(Au-tonomous Ride-Hailing Service)use intention

《交通运输研究》 2024 (5)



