

Design of Tunnel Sidewall Speed Control Guidance Signs Based on Visual Illusion and Experimental Study on Speed Control Effect



In order to improve the drivers'ability to perceive and control the speed in tunnels and re-duce the traffic accident rates,based on the principle of visual illusion,nine visual speed control guid-ance sign schemes with different shapes,angles,lengths,and color combinations were proposed for tunnel sidewalls to provide visual stimulation and reference for drivers,achieving the goal of active speed reduction.Experimental research was conducted on these nine design schemes on the sidewall of Yunmeng Mountain No.1 Tunnel on Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway.Video and laser detection equipment were used to detect the vehicle speed in the tunnel with the nine sign design schemes,ana-lyze the instantaneous vehicle speed,average vehicle speed,speed standard deviation,and acceleration data,and compare the speed control effect and stability under the condition of no speed control sign and with the use of designed speed-control signs.The results showed that the deceleration effect of di-fferent speed control guidance signs was different.The arrow shaped 90° speed control visual guidance sign had the most significant deceleration effect,reducing the average vehicle speed and vehicle speed standard deviation by 18.3%and 24.8%,respectively.In addition,the acceleration change remained stable in the experimental range,showing good results in reducing vehicle speed and improving vehi-cle speed stability;The diagonal shaped 55° speed control visual guidance sign increased the instanta-neous speed of the vehicle by 9.3%,increasing traffic safety hazards.Based on the above research re-sults,it is recommended to use arrow shaped 90° speed control visual guidance signs as tunnel side-wall speed control guidance signs.


河北交通投资集团有限公司,河北 石家庄 050000中路高科交通检测检验认证有限公司,北京 100088中国石油大学,北京 102249中路高科交通检测检验认证有限公司,北京 100088河北交通投资集团张石高速公路保定段有限公司,河北 保定 071000武汉工程大学,湖北 武汉 430000



tunnel safetytraffic sign designspeed controlvisual illusionvisual guidance signs

《交通运输研究》 2024 (5)



