

The Mechanism of Digital Technology Enabling the Deep Integration of Forestry and Tourism


选取2011-2021 年全国30 个省份的面板数据,运用基准回归模型和中介效应模型,对数字技术赋能林旅深度融合的影响机制进行实证检验.结果表明:数字技术能够显著促进林旅深度融合,在进行一系列稳健性检验后该结论依然成立;数字技术能够通过扩大消费需求和提高技术创新水平显著推动林旅深度融合.异质性检验结果表明,中东部地区数字技术赋能林旅深度融合的促进效应大于西部地区,数字化综合发展低水平地区的促进效应大于高水平地区.因此,应积极推进农村地区数字化基础设施建设,构建满足消费者多样化需求的新环境,加大对技术创新的支持力度,结合不同地区的异质性特征,实施有针对性的林旅深度融合发展战略.

⑴ Background——After years of exploration and practice,the integration of forestry and tourism has made some achievements,but it can not meet the needs of the market.Due to the low efficiency of factor allocation of forestry and tourism resources and the lack of strong financial support,the deep integration of forestry and tourism is hindered.The rapid development of digital technology can accelerate the penetration,crossover and reorgani-zation of industries through positive feedback mechanisms and innovative development effects,which provides new growth drivers for the deep integration of forestry and tourism.However,at present,there are few researches on how digital technology can effectively enable the deep integration of forestry and tourism and how to achieve it. ⑵ Methods——On the basis of theoretical analysis,this paper put forward the research hypotheses,and selected the level of deep integration of forestry and tourism as the explained variable,the level of digital technol-ogy development as the explanatory variable,the consumer demand and technological innovation as the mediating variables.Government support intensity,public transport service capability,infrastructure construction,econom-ic development level and human capital level were selected as the control variables.Based on the panel data of 30 provinces(municipalities and autonomous regions)from 2011 to 2021,the entropy weight TOPSIS model,cou-pling coordination degree model,benchmark regression model and mediation effect model were used to systemati-cally explore the logic and realization mechanism of the deep integration of forestry and tourism enabled by digital technology from three aspects:direct effect,mediating effect and heterogeneity analysis. ⑶ Results——First,the regression coefficient of digital technology is 0.148,and it passes the significance test at the level of 1%,indicating that digital technology has a significant promoting effect on the deep integration of forestry and tourism on the whole.Second,by constructing the transmission path of"digital technology-con-sumer demand/technological innovation-deep integration of forestry and tourism",the regression results show that the regression coefficients of digital technology on deep integration of forestry and tourism decrease from 0.148 to 0.094 and 0.126 respectively,showing that the consumer demand and technological innovation have the mediating effects in the process of digital technology enabling the deep integration of forestry and tourism.Third,the regression results of heterogeneity test show that the promotion effect of the deep integration of forestry and tourism enabled by digital technology in the central and eastern regions is greater than that in the western region,and the promotion effect in the regions with lower comprehensive digital development level is greater than that in the regions with higher level. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Under the background of the rapid development of digital technolo-gy,the high-quality development of forestry can be promoted through"forestry+",so as to achieve the deep in-tegration of forestry with industry,tourism,health care,education,etc.Based on the above research conclu-sions,the following policy recommendations are put forward:First,actively promote the construction of digital infrastructure in rural areas and promote the development of digital countryside.Second,create a new environ-ment to meet the diversified needs of consumers based on the consumer demands.Third,increase the support for technological innovation and cultivate the competitive advantage of technological innovation.Fourth,implement the targeted development strategies for the deep integration of forestry and tourism according to the heterogeneous characteristics of different regions.


南宁师范大学 旅游与文化学院,南宁 530001南宁师范大学 旅游与文化学院,南宁 530001广西职业技术学院 科技中心,南宁 530226



digital technologydeep integration of forestry and tourismmediating effect

《林业经济问题》 2024 (5)



