The Factors Influencing the International Competitiveness of Wood-based Panels Based on the Generalized Double Diamond Model
基于一般化双重钻石模型理论,采用 20 个主要人造板出口国 2000-2020 年的数据,运用面板数据模型实证分析人造板国际竞争力的影响因素.结果表明:(1)森林资源禀赋、相关支持性产业、竞争状态、国际贸易便利化条件是正向影响因素,劳动力成本、需求条件、国外竞争状态是负向影响因素;(2)不同发展水平国家和不同板种的影响因素存在差异.森林资源禀赋、需求条件、国际市场需求是发达国家形成国际竞争力的主要因素,而在发展中国家,相关支持性产业水平、竞争状态十分重要.与纤维板、刨花板相比,胶合板国际竞争力更依赖森林资源禀赋,对劳动力成本上升更敏感,受相关支持性产业水平、贸易便利化影响更大.为提升中国人造板国际竞争力,应利用高端市场改善需求条件,推进工业原料林建设以保障木质原料供给,普及应用先进装备技术发挥相关支持性产业作用,利用国际合作新机遇获取贸易便利化条件,引导国内外资本投入到产业改造升级和新兴板种发展中.
⑴Background——The wood-based panels industry is an important pillar industry of China's forestry e-conomy,and export is an important driving force for the development of China's wood-based panels industry.In recent years,China's wood-based panels exports have shown a negative growth trend.Research on the factors af-fecting the international competitiveness of the world's wood-based panels is conducive to China's wood-based panels to regain international competitive advantages,improve international competitiveness,and promote the construction of a new dual-cycle development pattern and the high-quality development of China's wood-based panels industry. ⑵ Methods——First,based on the panel data of the top 20 countries whose wood-based panels exports ac-counted for more than 80%in the world from 2000 to 2020,the key indicators of international competitiveness were calculated,and the entropy method was used to measure the comprehensive competitiveness indexes.Then,on the base of the theory of the generalized double diamond model,the index system of the influencing factors of the international competitiveness was constructed,and the quantitative relationship between the international competitiveness of wood-based panels and various influencing factors was analyzed by using the panel data model.Finally,the paper analyzed the heterogeneity of the countries with different levels of development and the subdi-vided product types of wood-based panels to explore the main influencing factors. ⑶ Results——First,the forest resource endowments,domestic related supporting industries,domestic competition status and international trade facilitation are the positive influencing factors,while labor costs,do-mestic demand conditions and foreign competition status are the negative influencing factors.Second,there are significant differences in the factors affecting the international competitiveness of wood-based panels among coun-tries with different levels of development.In the developed countries,the forest resource endowments,domestic demand conditions and international market demand are the main factors that form the international competitive-ness of wood-based panels.While in the developing countries,domestic related supporting industries and domes-tic competition status are crucial,relying on price advantage is easy to lose international competitive advantages due to the rising labor costs.The negative impact of domestic demand conditions is mainly reflected in the develo-ping countries.Third,the factors affecting the international competitiveness of wood-based panels of different product types are also different.The international competitiveness of plywood is more dependent on the forest re-source endowments,more sensitive to the rise in labor costs,more affected by domestic related supporting indus-tries and international trade facilitation,and also faces greater international competition pressure. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——In order to improve the international competitiveness of China's wood-based panels:First,pay attention to the promotion of China's wood-based panels international competitive-ness.Second,make use of the high-end domestic market to improve domestic demand conditions.Third,actively promote the construction of industrial raw material forests,accelerate the integration of forests breeding and pan-els production to ensure the supply of wooden raw materials.Fourth,popularize the application of advanced e-quipment and technology,and give full play to the role of relevant supporting industries.Fifth,seize the new op-portunities for international cooperation and make full use of international trade facilitation.Sixth,stimulate the vitality of all kinds of market entities,and guide capital to invest in the transformation and upgrading of the wood-based panels industry and the development of new types of panels.
北京林业大学 经济管理学院,北京 100083北京林业大学 经济管理学院,北京 100083北京林业大学 经济管理学院,北京 100083北京林业大学 经济管理学院,北京 100083||齐齐哈尔大学 经济与管理学院,齐齐哈尔 161006河北经贸大学 金融学院,石家庄 050061
wood-based panelsinternational competitivenessthe generalized double diamond model
《林业经济问题》 2024 (5)