

Realization and Institutional Design of Carbon Sinks Function in China's Landscape Ecosystems



⑴Background——The landscape ecosystems such as parks and green spaces are considerable in quantity and area in China.These landscape ecosystems not only provide ecosystem services,but also have potential space for carbon sinks growth.At present,the theory and practice of carbon sinks in landscape ecosystems is still in the exploration stage at home and abroad,and it is mainly applied as a special form of forestry carbon sinks and ma-rine carbon sinks.Because the principle of carbon sinks generation in landscape ecosystems has not been scientif-ically elucidated,and the corresponding methodology and certification standard are lacking.Therefore,the poten-tial of carbon sinks in landscape ecosystems has not been effectively exploited. ⑵ Methods——Firstly,the concept and scope of carbon sinks in landscape ecosystems were defined.Then,the necessity,feasibility and institutional dilemmas of the realization of carbon sinks function in landscape ecosystems were discussed.Finally,on the basis of overall planning of nature-based solutions and scientific de-sign of landscape ecosystems,the methodology of carbon sinks in landscape ecosystems and its accounting stand-ards were improved,and it was integrated into the compliance,voluntary and inclusive carbon market,and a feasible paths for the realization of carbon sinks function in landscape ecosystems was proposed. ⑶ Results——The necessity of realizing the carbon sinks function of landscape ecosystems mainly in-cludes:it helps to promote the integration of emission reduction,carbon sequestration and carbon sinks,promote the value realization of the ecological products of landscape projects,raise the awareness of environmental protec-tion of the whole people,optimize territorial space governance,build a low-carbon society and a beautiful China.Meanwhile,from the perspective of policy,law and practice,the realization of carbon sinks function in land-scape ecosystems is also feasible.However,at present,there are some institutional dilemmas in the realization of carbon sinks function in China's landscape ecosystems,which mainly include:imperfect top-level design,insuf-ficient research and development on the methodology of carbon sinks in landscape ecosystems,imperfect account-ing system of carbon sinks in landscape ecosystems,low marketization degree of carbon sinks in landscape eco-systems,and uncoordinated promotion systems of the carbon sinks projects. ⑷Conclusions and Discussions——Accelerating the carbon sinks construction of landscape ecosystems is of positive significance for the realization of the"double carbon"goal,the high-quality development of econo-my and society,and the construction of beautiful China.The feasible paths to realize the carbon sinks function of landscape ecosystems are put forward as the following:First,plan the landscape ecosystem scientifically,which is the premise of effective carbon sinks function.Second,design the landscape plant communities scientifically by the selection of tree species and the improvement of the carbon management level of landscape ecosystems.Third,research and develop the methodology and accounting standards of carbon sinks in landscape ecosystems.Fourth,integrate the landscape carbon sinks projects into the carbon market system organically,and transform its ecological value into economic value through the trading platform.Fifth,improve the ecological compensation mechanism,strengthen the prevention and control of risks such as alien species invasion,and carry out judicial subscription of carbon sinks.


山东理工大学 法学院,淄博 255000山东理工大学 法学院,淄博 255000



landscape ecosystemscarbon sinks functionlandscape carbon sinksinstitutional design

《林业经济问题》 2024 (5)



