The Ecological Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Forest Parks Tourism in the Three Provinces of Northeast China
以东北三省(辽宁、吉林、黑龙江)的森林公园为研究对象,建立一套森林公园旅游生态效率的评估体系,通过DEA-Malmquist指数法测算 2000-2020 年森林公园旅游生态效率,并进一步采用Tobit模型探究影响东北三省森林公园旅游生态效率的关键因素.研究结果表明:(1)东北三省的森林公园旅游生态效率总体上表现为下降趋势,年均下降速度为 0.9%,技术进步是带动森林公园旅游生态效率提升的核心因素,纯技术效率和规模效率不足则起阻碍作用.(2)黑龙江省和辽宁省的森林公园旅游生态效率处于上升趋势,年均增长率分别为3.1%和2.2%;吉林省则处于下降趋势,年均下降率为 7.7%.(3)辽宁省森林公园旅游生态效率波动幅度较小,吉林省生态效率波动由急促趋向平缓,黑龙江省生态效率则由平缓趋于急促.(4)城镇人口密度、城镇人口比重、旅游设施完善度和森林公园密度等因素对东北三省森林公园旅游生态效率具有显著的影响.基于此,从加强技术创新与提升管理运营效率、强化森林公园旅游需求管理与引导、实施森林公园旅游承载力管理、注重森林公园旅游发展的长期收益等方面提出了促进东北三省森林公园旅游生态效率的对策建议.
⑴ Background——Forest parks tourism plays a vital role in promoting the construction of ecological civili-zation and the high-quality development of tourism.At present,the research on theecologicalefficiency of forest parks tourism mainly focuses on three aspects:the measurement,influencing factors,temporal and spatial distri-bution and evolution of the ecological efficiency of forest parks tourism.There are many forest parks in the three provinces of Northeast China.The transformation and upgrading of forest parkstourism and the improvement of ec-ological efficiency of forest parks tourism are the key steps to achieve sustainable development in Northeast China. ⑵ Methods——First,the evaluation index system of the ecologicalefficiency of forest parks tourismwas es-tablished.The DEA-Malmquist index method was used to measure the ecological efficiency of forest parks tourism in 30 provinces(municipalities and autonomous regions)from 2000 to 2020(except Hong Kong,Ma-cao,Taiwan and Tibet).The ecological efficiency of forest parks tourism in Northeast China was compared with that of the whole country,including overall efficiency analysis,regional difference analysis and decomposition a-nalysis of ecological efficiency.Second,the influencing factors of the ecological efficiency of forest parks tourism were discussed by using the Tobit model. ⑶ Results——First,the ecologicalefficiency of forest parks tourism in the three provinces of Northeast China showed a declining trend on the whole,with an average annual decline rate of 0.9%.Among them,the ec-ological efficiency of forest parks tourism in Heilongjiang Province and Liaoning Province showed an increasing trend,with an average annual growth rate of 3.1%and 2.2%,respectively,while that of forest parks tourism in Jilin Province showed a decreasing trend,with an average annual decline rate of 7.7%.Second,from 2001 to 2020,the technological progress of forest parks tourism in both Liaoning Province and Heilongjiang Province ex-ceeded 1.The pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of forest parks tourism in Heilongjiang Province were 1,while those in Liaoning Province were 0.975 and 0.996,respectively.The technological progress,pure tech-nical efficiency and scale efficiency of forest parks tourism in Jilin Province were all less than 1.Third,the pro-portion of urban population had a positive impact on the ecological efficiency of forest parks tourism,while the density of urban population,the perfection of tourism facilities and the density of forest parks had a negative im-pact on the ecological efficiency of forest parks tourism. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——First,increase investment in the innovation technology of forest parks tourism to improve the tourists experience and tourism services.Optimize the management and operation of forest parks tourism to improve the utilization rate of resources.Strengthen cooperation among the three provinces and formulate differentiated development strategies.Second,strengthen the management and guidance of forest parks tourism demands.On one hand,optimize the supply of tourism products,on the other hand,strengthen the education of civilized tourism for tourists.Third,implement the carrying capacity managementof forest parks tourism.Scientifically evaluate the carrying capacity of forest parkstourism and formulate the measures to control the flow of tourists.Fourth,pay attention to the long-term benefits of forest parks tourism development,formulate the long-term development plans,increase investment in ecological protection,and cultivate tourism brands with characteristics.
东北林业大学 经济管理学院,哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学 经济管理学院,哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学 经济管理学院,哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学 经济管理学院,哈尔滨 150040东北林业大学 经济管理学院,哈尔滨 150040
forest parks tourismecological efficiencyDEA-Malmquist index methodTobit model
《林业经济问题》 2024 (5)